Monday 6 April 2015

Ignore pictorial warnings Ban Tobacco !

The fact that tobacco lobbyists still need evidence to prove that tobacco consumption has deleterious health effects seems strange especially when much of the advanced world has reached a stage where banning smoking there will be almost complete.The argument that pictorial warnings would eventually lead to discouraging tobacco use which would then have an adverse impact on the livelihood of people involved in the tobacco industry seems to be just an exercise in fooling the people. It all boils down to the importance of revenue.
Tobacco consumption is hazardous and there are numerous studies to prove this. Policy makers have to bite the bullet and make statutory warnings clear. Steps such as increasing pictorial warnings and sales tax must be thought of to discourage people from smoking. The importance of the family as a social unit is still intact in India. Therefore, there must be emotional appeals using the media to make people think twice before consuming tobacco products.

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