Tuesday 3 March 2015


Organizing is the process of identifying and grouping different activities in the organization and bringing together physical,financial and human resources to establish most productive relationship for the achievement of specific goals of the business.

Process of Organizing:-
the Organizing process involves the following:-

1.Identification and division of work:-

The work should be divided into smaller units after its identification.
The division of work into smaller units leads to 
a].specialization as work is assigned to every individual according to their capacity,ability and qualification so it leads to specialization in performing some particular task.
b].systematic working in the organization.

2.Grouping of jobs and departmentalization:-

After division of work into smaller units the related or similar work or job are put together under one department.Departmentalization can be done by various methods but some most famous methods are:-

a].Functional department:-Grouping of jobs of similar nature on the basis of functions performed in the organization is called as functional departmentalization.

b].Divisional department:-Grouping on the basis of product manufactured in
the business is called as divisional departmentalization.

3.Assignment of duties:-After grouping of activities into various departments,the duties will assigned to every individual according to their capability,ability and qualifications.

4.Establishing reporting relationship:-
This is the last step in the process of organizing.Here assignment of duties is not enough but every individual working in the organization should know who he has to take order from and to whom he is accountable,this feeling establishes the hierarchy of management or the levels of management,which further helps in better coordination between various departments.

Importance and significance of Organizing

1.Benefits in specialization:-
In an organization every individual is assigned job according to their capability,ability and qualifications.so the specialization will come itself when a person will perform the same task rapidly.

2.Role clarity:-
In an organization manager clarifies the role among employees.This is called as job description which is a written document.This job description brings clarity in the minds of workers.

3.Optimum utilization of resources:-
There is no duplication of work as work are assigned to every individual after clarity and according to their qualification,so less wastage of resources.

4.Expansion and growth:-
With optimum utilization of resources and proper division of work and departmentalization,companies can easily meet the challenger and can expand their activities in planned manner.

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