Monday 10 April 2023

Tahajjud - Fard vs Tahajjud

Do you know the differences between Fard (Obligatory) Prayers and Tahajjud Prayer?
I never read a better explanation of the fadeelat of Tahajjud.
*FARD PRAYERS CALLS are given in a Human voice by Mu'adhin, while the Tahajjud's call is given by Allããh Himself.
*THE CALL FOR FARD PRAYER is heard by all human beings, while the call for Tahajjud is felt by a few selected ones.
*CALL FOR FARD PRAYER says come for prayer come for prayer ( Hayya 'Alas-Salah.......), while call for Tahajjud says, “is there any seeker I give “( Hal min Sã'ilin, fa'u'tee)?
Most of the Muslims pray obligatory Fard prayer, While tahajjud is performed by a selected few whom Allããh chooses.
*IN FARD SALÃH, there is the possibility of Riyãu,(show off) which means it may be not purely for Allaah with Ikhlãs , but Tahajjud is prayed alone quietly -Only Allaah knows.
*IN FARD SALÃT there is a greater possibility of distraction of mind, thought and heart as one frees himself from business of duniya, while in Tahajjud one is away from the routine tensions of duniya and is only thinking of Ãkhirat.
*IN FARD SALAAT one May think of meeting some one in the masjid, but Tahajjud is about meeting and talking only to Allaah where you can share all your problems and ask for His mercy.
*LASTLY, Tahajjud is purely a special Tawfeeq from Allaah, from whom He wants to listen and likes the crying and asking of Him.