Friday 28 November 2014

Colors of Terror (Urdu)

ڈاکٹر محمد منظور عالم

مشرقی ایشیا کی نویں چوٹی کانفرنس سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے وزیر اعظم نریندر مودی نے پرزور انداز میں یہ بات رکھی کہ ’’دہشت گردی کو مذہب سے نہیں جوڑناچاہیے‘‘ اور اس دہشت گردی کا مقابلہ کرنے کے لیے حقیقی انٹرنیشنل پارنٹرشپ وجودمیں آنی چاہیے نیز جو انسانیت پر یقین رکھتے ہیں انھیں ایک ساتھ مل کر کام کرنا چاہیے کیونکہ دہشت گردی کا مذہب سے کوئی لینا دینا نہیں ہے۔ ان کی اس بات سے کسی کو اختلاف نہیں ہو سکتا؟ یہ ایک اٹل حقیقت ہے لیکن تصویر کا دوسرا پہلو یہ ہے کہ عام طور پر لوگ اپنی آسانی کے لیے دہشت گردی کو ایک دوسرے کے مذہب سے جوڑدیتے ہیں جس سے مذہب کا وہ رول جو انسانی شرافت اور وقار کو قائم رکھنے، غربت وجہالت کو دور کرنے کے لیے ہوتا ہے، کمزور ہوجاتا ہے اور مذاہب کو اس کی اصل روح سے دور کر کے اس کو بے شمار الزامات اور شکوک وشبہات کے دائرے میں ڈال دیا جاتا ہے اور اس کے نتیجہ میں مذاہب کے ماننے والوں کی وضع، قطع، رہائش، لباس اور ہر ایک چیز کو مشکوک کرنے کی کوشش کی جاتی ہے، جو غلط ہے۔ جو بات غلط ہے وہ کبھی صحیح نہیں ہوسکتی چاہے وہ بہت دیر کے بعد لوگوں کو بالعموم اور لیڈروں کو بالخصوص اس بات کا احساس ہوتا ہو۔ یہ بیان ملک کے وزیر اعظم نے دیا ہے ہوسکتا ہے کہ ان کو اس کا احساس بھی ہوا ہو۔
بنیادی سوال یہ ہے کہ دہشت گردی کیونکر جنم لیتی ہے، اس کی گہرائی میں جانا چاہیے۔ دہشت گردی اسی وقت پیدا ہوتی ہے جب انصاف دم توڑدے، انصاف کے سارے راستے مسدود کردیے جائیں۔ انصاف حاصل کرنے کے جتنے بھی قوانین ہیں وہ جوتوں سے روند دیئے جائیں۔ اسی بنا پر انصاف کو قائم کرنے پر زور دیا گیا ہے، انصاف ایک ایسا مثبت قدم ہے جو تمام مذاہب خواہ وہ آفاقی مذہب ہو یا انسان کی اپنی سمجھ بوجھ کے پس منظر میں قائم ہواہو، سبھی اس بات پر زور ڈالتے ہیں کہ انصاف قائم کرو، خواہ وہ اپنے خلاف ہو اپنے والدین یا اپنے عزیز واقارب کے خلاف جائے اس کے لیے ضروری ہے کہ انصاف تک پہونچنے کے لیے جتنے بھی راستے ہیں خواہ وہ پولیس، جانچ ایجنسیوں کی شکل میں ہوں، پڑوس کے رہنے والے ہوں، وہ خود بھی اس پر عمل کریں اور اس کے لیے ماحول سازگار کریں۔ جب اس کے خلاف عمل شروع ہوتا ہے جس میں نسلی برتری، نسلی تفریق، اونچ نیچ، اعلیٰ اور ادنیٰ، رنگ ونسل، زبان، تہذیب وثقافت اور تمدن کی برتری اور اقتصادی استحصال کے ذریعہ اپنی قوت اور برتری کا اظہار ہو اس کے نتیجہ میں انصاف کے سارے راستے مسدود ہوتے ہیں اور سماج کے کمزور طبقات بالخصوص خواتین اور بچے اس استحصال کا شکار ہوتے ہیں۔
دہشت گردی کے پروان چڑھنے کی ایک بڑی وجہ یہ ہے کہ دنیا کو بنانے والے خالق کائنات نے جو سبھی جان رکھنے والوں کا پالن ہار ہے۔ اس نے انسانوں کو برابری کا حق دیا ہے، تمام انسانوں نے ایک ہی ماں باپ سے جنم لیا اور پوری دنیا میں پھیل گئے اور اس کی آبادی دنیا میں تقریباً 8بلین ہے۔ برابری کی بنیاد پر اللہ نے انسانوں کو ایک کنبہ قرار دیا ہے اس کے برعکس رنگ ونسل، علاقے اورمذاہب کے ماننے والوں کے اختلاف کی بنیاد پر ایسے ہزاروں من گھڑت طریقے بناتے گئے جس سے برابری کا درجہ ختم کردیاجاتا ہے بعض دفعہ تو حیوانوں سے بدتر سلوک کیا جاتا ہے۔
اس کا ایک پہلو بھائی چارگی کا ہے۔ بھائی چارگی اسی بنیاد پر قائم ہوتی ہے کہ ایک طرف انصاف کا بول بال ہو، قانون کا راج ہو، انصاف کے راستے نظر آرہے ہوں، قانون کے سامنے کوئی چھوٹا بڑا نہ ہو، ہر انسان معصوم ہے، برابر ہے، اس وقت تک جب تک کہ اس کا قصور ثابت نہیں ہوتا۔ اگر یہ کیفیت پیدا نہیں ہوتی تو اسے بھائی چارگی کا حصہ نہیں مل سکتا اور انصاف بھائی چارگی کی گاڑی کے پہیے کی طرح ساتھ نہیں چل رہا ہے تو کمزور طبقہ ’سب کو اپنا ’’بھائی‘‘ سمجھتا رہے اور جو مضبوط ہے، انصاف کے خلاف ہے اسے ’’چارہ‘‘ سمجھتا رہے‘۔ یہ وہ بنیادی ستون ہیں جن کی بنیاد پر پوری دنیا سے دہشت گردی مٹائی جاسکتی ہے۔ اگر ہم بین الاقوامی اور اپنے ملک کا جائزہ لیں اور آج کے دور میں جو تبدیلیاں ہورہی ہیں، بلا تکلف کہا جاسکتا ہے کہ مکمل سفید جھوٹ کی بنیاد پر قتل وغارت گری کا بازار گرم کردے خواہ یہ نعرہ دیا جائے کہ عوامی تباہی کے ہتھیاروں کے خلاف جنگ کی جائے، خواہ پٹرول کی منڈی پر قبضہ کرنے کی کوشش کی جائے، خواہ اسرائیل کو قائم رکھنے کے لیے اربوں ڈالر خرچ کیے جائیں اور انھیں مکمل آزادی دی جائے کہ دہشت گردی کے نام پر جو خود دہشت گرد ہے فلسطین اور غزہ پٹی کو تباہ وبرباد کردے۔ اقوام متحدہ یا تو محض خاموش تماشائی بنارہے یا اپنی بے بسی کا اظہار کرکے خاموش ہوجائے، ایسی صورتحال میں ہمارے ملک کے حکمراں کو یہ غور کرنا چاہیے کہ ہم کس طرح کا ماڈل بننا چاہتے ہیں۔ وہ ماڈل جو امریکا اور اسرائیل کے ذریعہ اپنا تسلط قائم کرنے کا ہے یا ’باپو‘ کا سبق جہاں امن وآشتی، بھائی چارگی، آپسی محبت، اپنے خیالات کا اظہار کرنے اور مختلف بنیادی حقوق فراہم کرکے ایک ایسا متبادل فراہم کریں کہ دنیا میں امن وآشتی اور ترقی کا ماڈل قائم ہوسکے، جہاں ہر ایک انسان کی ضروریات کی تکمیل ہو، لالچ کی تکمیل نہیں ہوسکتی، تسلط قائم کرنے کی خواہش پوری نہیں ہوسکتی۔ ہتھیاروں کی دوڑ میں ہم شامل تو ضرور ہوسکتے ہیں مگر انسانیت کی بقاء اس سے قائم نہیں ہوسکتی۔ ہم کمزور ہرگز نہیں رہنا چاہتے مگر دنیا کے کمزور ملکوں کا مداوا نہیں بن سکتے۔ نتیجہ کے طور پر اس بات کا اندیشہ ہمیشہ رہے گا کہ شدت پسندی کہیں سے بھی کسی کے ذریعہ کہیں ا پنی شکایت کے مداوا کے لیے کہیں اپنی غلط فہمی کے دفاع کے لیے پیدا ہوتی ہے اور کمزور لوگ ہی ’نشیلی اشیاء کی سپلائی‘، ’ہتھیاروں کی اسمگلنگ‘ اور ’منی لاڈرنگ‘ کا شکار ہوتے ہیں۔ اس لیے ضرورت اس بات کی ہے کہ بدلتے گلوبل تناظر میں میں دوسروں کے ماڈل کو اختیار کرنے کے بجائے ہمارا ماڈل جو امن وآشتی کے پیغام، ترقی وخوشحالی کو بڑھانے اور اس میں سب کو شریک کرنے کے جذبہ کو بیدار کیا جائے تو شاید اس دنیا کے لیے ہم ایک اچھے ماڈل کی شکل میں ابھر سکتے ہیں۔
اس پس منظر میں جب ہم اپنے ملک کو دیکھتے ہیں تو ایسا لگتا ہے کہ محبت کی جگہ نفرت، انصاف کی جگہ ناانصافی، امن وآشتی کی جگہ زہر افشانی، بھائی چارگی کی جگہ دشمنی، سب کو ساتھ لیکر چلنے کے بجائے کچھ لوگوں کو اقتدار میں جگہ دینا، کمزور کو مزید کمزور کرنا، سرمایہ دار دنیا کی منڈی بننا، عام انسانوں کی ضروریات کا خیال رکھنے کے بجائے کمزور کو مٹانے اور غریبی کو ختم کرنے کے بجائے غریب کو مزید کمزور اور لاچار کیا جائے اور اس میں کمزور طبقات بالعموم اور مسلمانوں بالخصوص ودیگر اقلیتوں کو ہر ایک میدان میں انصاف سے محروم رکھا جارہا ہے اور برابری سے دور کیا جارہا ہے اور بھائی چارگی تو بالکل عنقا ہوتی چلی جارہی ہے اور ایسی تنظیمیں جو انتہا پسندانہ خیالات رکھتی ہیں انھیں ہر طرح کی چھوٹ اور آزادی ملی ہوئی ہے اور اقلیتوں و دیگر کمزور طبقات کی تنظیموں پر الزام لگا کر پولیس کی بربریت ودیگر آفیسران کی نا انصافی پر عملدر آمد تیز تر ہوتا جارہا ہے۔ کھلے انداز میں نہ صرف منافرت نظر آرہی ہے بلکہ انصاف کے ترازو میں جو معصوم ہیں وہ مجرم قرار دیے جارہے ہیں اور جو مجرم ہیں وہ آزاد ہوتے چلے جار ہے ہیں۔
سوال یہ ہے کہ کیا ہم ’’امن و آشتی‘‘ کے ماڈل بننے کی ہمت رکھتے ہیں؟ کیا ہم ’مین آف ایکشن‘ (Man of Action) خطاب حاصل کرنے کے بعد ان برائیوں، خرابیوں، ناانصافیوں، نابرابری اور بھائی چارگی کا جو عدم اعتماد پیداہورہا ہے اس کو دور کرنے کے لیے ’ایکشن‘ کے لیے تیار ہیں۔ کیا ہم دستور کی عظمت کو قانون کی بالا دستی کو انصاف کے راستے میں آنے والی رکاوٹوں کو کسی امتیاز کے بغیر کھڑے ہونے کی ہمت کرتے ہیں۔ کیا ہم دنیا کی رہنمائی جو اوپر کی بنیادوں پر قائم ہوسکتی ہے، کرنے کو تیار ہیں۔ کیا ہم مختلف مذاہب کے ماننے والوں کو احترام دے سکتے ہیں۔ کیا ہم انسانیت کو فروغ دینے اور اس کی عزت ووقار کو بڑھانے کے لیے عملی قدم اٹھا سکتے ہیں۔ ضرورت اس بات کی ہے کہ نہ صرف ان سوالوں پر غور کرنا چاہیے بلکہ اس کا مثبت انداز میں جواب دینا چاہیے۔جب مثبت انداز سے جواب آئے تو ہم ہندستانی فخر سے دنیا والوں کو کہہ سکتے ہیں کہ تم نے یورپ اور امریکا کے اسرائیل ماڈل کو دیکھا، آؤ اب ہندستان کی تہذیب وتمدن اور اس کے دستوری وقار کے ماڈل کو دیکھو۔

(مضمون نگار آل انڈیا ملی کونسل کے جنرل سکریٹری ہیں)

Monday 24 November 2014

Health Tips

Health Tip of the Day:
Indian #gooseberry (Amla), with its high vitamin C content, is considered valuable in diabetes. A tablespoon of its juice, mixed with a cup of bitter gourd juice, taken daily for two months, will reduces the blood sugar in #diabetes.

Picture Story 2014

Amit Shah discharged from Sohrabuddin fake encounter case

India's going to ban loose cigarettes?
So the approach has shifted.
From "Loose people smoke cigarettes"
to "People smoke loose cigarettes"

Astrologer tells Smriti Irani she'll be the President of India one day. Superb journey. From Rashtra Bahu to Rashtra Saas to Rashtrapati.

Smriti Irani spent 4 hours at the astrologer's home in Bhilwara and asked him several questions about her future. Photo: Aaj Tak.

Friday 21 November 2014

Colours of Terror

Recently, when Prime Minister Narendra Modi said at an ASEAN summit that terrorism had no religion, Indian Muslims heaved a sigh of relief. This line, that “terror has no religion”, is a relatively new Sangh refrain, being mouthed as a policy mantra by all persons affiliated to it.

However, it was not always so. The earlier line was, “Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslim”. This suddenly changed during UPA-II when Sangh-related terrorists like Aseemanand, Col. Purohit, Sadhvi Pragya Singh and several others were caught and jailed for staging major terror attacks like Samjhauta Express and Malegaon mosque (twice) cases.

These Hindutva votaries had been attacking Muslim targets with a communal motive. That’s why security agencies called them Hindutva terrorists, without mincing words. Senior BJP leaders like L K Advani protested vociferously against this label, but officials persisted with the nomenclature. To his credit, the then Union Home Minister P C Chidambram also publicly called them Hindutva terrorists, repeatedly, despite protests by BJP leaders.

At that point they dropped their “all terrorists are Muslims” refrain and came up with the new stand that “terror has no religion”. Mr. Modi’s assertion at ASEAN is a continuation of that policy. We will certainly come to the conclusion that terror has no creed when we look at the terror map of the world. We have all religions represented there in a fair proportion.

The earliest known terrorists were the Jewish Sicari, nearly 2000 years ago. Several centuries later came the Ismailite Muslim Hasheesheen (Assassins), disciples of Sheikh-al-Jabal Abdullah Ibn Saba. In the 19th century came the Thughs, who were Hindus. They misled victims, cut their heads and offered it to Kali Devi. In 20th century India many freedom fighters were declared terrorists, both Hindu and Muslim, for resorting to violent means in their freedom struggle.

The first well-known terrorists in the 20th century were the Jewish Hagannah. Irgun and Stern gangs in Mandate Palestine, who attacked Arabs and British Mandate officials. Most of the Israeli presidents and prime ministers before the current lot were declared terrorists by the British Mandate, including Shamir and Begin. They carried awards on their heads.

That terror has no colour or creed is evident from a look at the Muslim, black Boko Haram, white Christian German Bader Menhaulf, Spanish Basque terrorists, Irish IRA, Muslim al-Qaeda, Hindu Naxals and Hindutva terrorists, Yerevada Buddhist Sinhala terrorists and Buddhist terrorists of Myanmar and Sikh Babbar Khalsa in India. This is only a short list. In India, Naxal terror has been time and again declared officially as number one internal security threat.

Now, the point is not which religion, race or skin colour to blame for terror, but how to seriously try to understand it, address its root causes, take appropriate policy measures, gradually end it and try to rehabilitate the alienated in mainstream society.

So, what is terrorism, which we want to curb? There is no standard definition despite ongoing efforts at the UN for the last four decades. This is because one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter or activist for social justice. In the absence of a standard definition, let us go by the widely accepted working definition. It defines terrorism as an act of random violence, not necessarily targeting immediately concerned people, but even common people unrelated with systems of power. Such violence, this definition says, is inflicted on targets for political purposes. This is why religious or sectarian violence often comes under crimes (even the most heinous ones) to be handled separately.

Now, what can be done to contain it? The first step is to have an equitous and fair society, with equal opportunity and equality before law. Unless a society ensures these basics, terrorism cannot be defeated. In case of foreign terrorists operating on our territory, they should simply be eliminated with force, no questions asked.

In case of our own alienated people like Naxals, we should try to create a more equitable order where their personal, social and common property rights should be restored and respected. There is no short-cut to winning the war on terror. It takes a comprehensive strategy and patient work.

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Tuesday 11 November 2014

Pulling the Strings RSS Way

Hamid Ali Khan

Three events in the recent past are enough to suggest that the process of saffronisation of democratic institutions has begun. Some two months ago, slogans of “Jai Shri Ram” were chanted by BJP workers who were present in strength in the Raj Bhawan in Jaipur during the oath-taking ceremony of Kalyan Singh, an ex-chief minister of UP and the “hero” of the demolition of Babri Masjid at Ayodhya, as Rajasthan governor. When asked by some newsmen of the propriety of chanting of “Jai Shri Ram” by over-zealous invitees, Kalyan Singh retorted “what is wrong with it?” The reply of Kalyan Singh, who had assumed the office of governor, a constitutional post, a short while ago, is indicative of the shape of things to come.

In a related event, RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat’s speech was telecast on state-owned Door Darshan (DD). Nobody bothered to take care to see that speeches by RSS leaders end up promoting communal discord. Never in the history of a public broadcaster in India has a political party leader or the head of a social or cultural organisation, been allowed to go on air. The BJP government at the Centre owes a lot of explaining RSS Chief’s use of DD for airing his communal views.

In a third such incident, minister in the Vajpayee government and the present UP governor, Ram Naik, invited Mohan Bhagwat and other senior leaders from the RSS for a lunch at Lucknow Raj Bhawan. This left the ruling Samajwadi party and the state Congress party leaders fuming. They accused the governor of converting Raj Bhawan into an extension of the local RSS office. By the time the news hit headlines, Naik came out with a statement defending his action and reiterating his status as a “swayamsewak” for life. Naik minced no words in saying on October 22 in Lucknow that he would always be a thorough RSS person, irrespective of the political or administrative positions he might hold.” This is reminiscent of the question of double membership raised by the veteran socialist leader Raj Narain in 1979 that led to fall of the Janata Party government following refusal by Jan Sangh leaders, who were part of the government, to sever all ties with the RSS. Instead of resigning from the membership of RSS, the Jan Sangh group in the Janata Party preferred its parent organisation over a political party they formed to contest Lok Sabha elections against Congress in 1977.

This is a brazen and deliberate attempt of the RSS to systematically undermine the Constitution and foist a system wedded to the Brahminical Order on the people. In an interview to a newspaper recently, Ram Naik concurred with the RSS agenda. His ambivalence is confounded when he says I hold a Constitutional post. So, I will desist from making political comments. He clarifies, “Before taking up this position I even resigned from BJP membership”. Resigning from the party’s membership does not amount to quitting the saffron organisation that controls as many as 150 outfits working in almost every sphere of life. Despite denials by the RSS that it influences the policies of the BJP, the fact remains that its pracharaks are regularly drafted for party work.

Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, Rajnath Singh and other top brass of the party have had long innings as RSS pracharaks. Even today, all the major policy decisions are taken at Nagpur headquarters of RSS. Thus, so long as Naik is ideologically committed to RSS, his resignation from the BJP does not carry conviction with the people. His contention that he has met a number of political leaders like Congress leader Rita Bahuguna, BSP Chief Mayawati, UP Chief Minister, Akhilesh Yadav, etc. during his three months in office, is unacceptable as Mohan Bhagwat is neither a political leader nor a constitutional office holder. He presides over an organisation that has no written code or a list of its members and office-bearers.

Eyebrows are natural to be raised over invitation to a person who is overtly or covertly making remarks that hurt the sentiments of a large segment of people of the nation. Naik may have been appointed as governor to garner support for the BJP in the assembly elections that are due in 2017. His overreach on issues exclusively in the domain of the state government may lead to confrontation between him and the Chief Minister. The 10-day conclave of RSS workers from all over the country, including the three-day meet of the karyakari mandal (executive committee) in Lucknow from October 17 to 19 last must be seen in that context.

UP has become crucial for the BJP. As reports suggest, Prime Minister Modi, too, is taking keen interest in the state. The BJP will pull out all stops to wrest UP from the ruling Samajwadi Party. It is high time for the democratic and secular parties to read between the lines and rise above petty politics for higher gains.

Building political capital on hate propaganda

Vidya Bhushan Rawat

It is a reminder bell that rings every year which has not changed us to the core. The horrific crimes against humanity perpetrated by the political goons in the dark night of October 31st till a couple of days of November 1984 after the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was declared officially ‘dead’ and which remain unpunished till date is not just a matter of shame but absolute failure of our democracy. A truly democratic system would have envisaged ways and means to tackle such a situation in future but instead people became ‘football’ in the political games of those who have least concern about loss of human lives and sentiments. Punjab was bleeding when India got partitioned in 1947 and Sikh community felt betrayed as many of their issues remained unsettled politically. Sikh nationalism has to be merged into pan Indian Nationalism dictated and dominated by the brahmanical Hindus.

In the din of Pan Indian nationalism, we refused to understand the Punjab’s hurt psyche and wanted to resolve it through military solution in the very similar way of what we are doing in Kashmir. We want referendum on every conflict but not in those regions but in rest of the country. The people of the state had lost faith in administration and politicians were reaping rich harvest on ‘action’ against ‘terrorism’ in rest of the country. So, you take ‘strong’ ‘action’ against ‘terrorist’ and rest assure, you will get a good crop of votes elsewhere. The farcical first past the post system that we inherited from the British is actually now the best weapon for our political class to use against minorities ‘legitimately’.

Political killing cannot help restore peace and resolve a crisis but we saw how everybody used Indira Gandhi’s killing as a political weapon for their own interest. The Congress Party used her killing as a killing of ‘Bharat Mata’ and Rajiv was using all the good words that emerged from ‘Hindutva’ dictionary that time. Maa, Ganga Maa and everything is same which is being used by Narendra Modi today. Indian sentiments have been very openly and unambiguously have to be brahmanical Hindu sentiments. The Hindutva elements inside Congress used it and hence the mandate that Rajiv got in 1984 was thoroughly communal mandate based on hate propaganda. It does not matter whether BJP was zero or two member strength in the Parliament as the ideology preached by the Hindutva won that time. So, to say that Hindutva politics came just when BJP assumed power is absolutely wrong and does not take into account the brahmanical games of the Congress Party. India’s mainstream political parties have seen systematic Hindutvaisation process which was the agenda of Sangh Parivar. Hinduise the polity they wanted and once that was done political parties were unable to challenge the process ideologically. It seems Hindutva has become the main theme and parties want to stick to it and not to question it.

We did not learn from such a crime against humanity when state became a party to it and abdicated its responsibility to protect its citizens irrespective of their caste, religion, region as promised in our constitution. It is not that Congress only was using Hindutva for its own purposes. Many of the Sikh groups also praised the killers and some of them celebrated Indira Gandhi’s killing too. Even today there are many such groups in UK and Canada which keep celebrating her death.

These unfortunate things come handy for hate monger as a tiny incident become a powerful weapon of propaganda by the political opponents. It is according to our suitability who can fetch us vote hence for Modi it is Godhra victims, for Congress it is Indira’s martyrdom, for Akalis it is the murderers of Indira Gandhi and that reflects the bankruptcy of our political parties and their thought process where they assume people to absolute fool and apolitical.

Rumours have always been used to develop hatred towards minority and the marginalized to ensure a consolidation of so-called ‘majority’ for political purpose. So 1984 and 2002 are may look different to some people but they are complimentary to each other. The mask of dominance has changed but it remained quintessentially Hindu hatred towards Sikh in Delhi and Muslims in Gujarat. The leaders might emerge from different political parties, one ‘so called secular and the other so called communal but the leadership, ideology of these parties remain consolidated in the hands of caste Hindus. So the consolidation of upper caste Hindus towards Hindutva philosophy is not a sudden phenomenon as it is a political weapon for power and minorities of different variety will automatically become the victim of this maneuvering.

Many people suggest that in 1984 it was the Congress leaders who committed the crime against humanity. Yes, Congress found that secular mask would not help them much in elections and hence it trended dangerously towards Hindutva and fact is all the events that led to army operation at the Harminder Saheb need to interrogated and analysed carefully. Right from Kashmir to Punjab, Indira Gandhi was using the Hindu card and Rajiv did the same after her death. You need to create a villain for the greater ‘majority’ consolidation and martial castes become the real tool to ‘act’ on the ground. This is the real functioning of the status quoists that they use the ‘victims’ to victimize others. In the cases of riots everywhere urbanized Dalits, OBCs are used even when the leaders of these groups may hail from the upper caste Hindu background as the ‘leader’ has to fight elections too.

If you are not convinced then I can put a small question. May be ‘experts’ can analyse the trend of Trilokpuri incident last week and compare it with what happened on the nights of October 31st and first week of November 1984. The victims in 1984 were Sikhs and this time Muslims but the perpetrators were political goons of Congress that time and this time of the Hindutva party and I can bet the ‘actors’ may be the same who are ‘professionals’ who have become ‘nationalists’ ensures every different thought and look should be ‘treated’ properly. It is therefore essential to see India’s political trends not in terms of Congress or BJP but in terms of majoritarianism at the cost of minorities. If this trend is not arrested we will see more blood bath. India’s electoral system has actually converted minorities into a sandwich between different authoritarian brahmanical parties and unless our electoral system is not changed completely we will see more communal slaughter to ‘anoint’ so messiahs over us.

The failure of the victim getting justice has given bigger propaganda material to those whose ideology was responsible for the crisis that we face in India today. Just yesterday the government of India decided to ‘increase’ amount of compensation to five lakh rupees to the people killed in ‘communal violence’. Shamelessly, the entire issue has been communalized with a clear agenda of going to polls in Punjab exclusively in the coming years. One must ask as whether people who have been slaughtered in Gujarat in 2002 and who happened to be Muslims will also get any compensation on account of this? Years after year, we see killings of Dalits by the caste Hindus and yet not a single case has been taken to conclusion. India must ask a question to itself why in the past 60 years, none of those responsible for communal carnage have been given any sentences by the courts. In fact, all those who are responsible for such disturbances and hatred are reaping rich harvest politically. Our judiciary has to introspect as why there is such antipathy on part of our state and the system which claim to be ‘one of the best’. Riots after riots and there is no lessons. Tragedies are occurring on larger scales and yet state remains mute and in the riots cases if we follow them diligently the ‘professionals’ are caught but the real ‘actors’ behind the crime are roaming free and have political protection and power at their hand. When will we see the day when politicians who reaping this ‘rich harvest of hatred’ get sentences by our courts. Unless that is done, we will continue to see the crop of hatred which will empower a few of our politicians but definitely weaken the whole idea of India.

In 1984, we had still good people around us in the media who raised the issue and have been fighting for the rights of the people who were slaughtered. We cannot imagine that now as the time has changed and media has been converted into the propaganda tool of the ruling party. That over 10000 people were killed all over the country and in the most brutal manner and yet we as a nation could not provide a healing touch to them is a shame. It is double shame when people who themselves butcher another minority and discriminate among different minorities create a deliberate and mischievous misunderstanding of an entire thing which is nothing but majoritarianism and its brutal repercussion on minorities. It is the power of these dominant and powerful majoritarian political classes which has resulted in the massacres of people after independence. They will blame each other but the fact is that they perpetuated it. Unambiguously, it is the idea of majority dominance in democracy where minorities have to just succumb and follow the diktats. We are witnessing it at every level.

India does not need to choose between an Iron man and Iron woman. The Iron man was a Congressman and a Gandhian though with a feudal mind and the iron woman too displayed similar anti-democratic tendencies many time. Ofcourse, if commitment to socialism and India’s marginalized and minorities are concern, iron woman as well as her father would be considered far above the ‘iron man’ of India but at the core of their heart both the Iron woman and Iron Man were ‘dictatorial’ in nature. We need to go beyond the rhetoric of individuals and come back to work according to the spirit of our constitution and international laws. Remembering leaders is good but using them for political purposes must stop now. We do not need messiah as they have done enough damage to us making us absolutely ‘devotees’ without ever thinking and respecting rights of others. There is no doubt that Congress leadership had gone overboard in promoting their Nehru Gandhi family but things were never as awkward and explicit as they are looking today. With pettiness being visible at the highest level, Indian continue to show how immature as a democracy they are and how we live in bitterness giving full freedom to those who continue to enjoy great harvest of hatred. Whoever be at the helm of affairs in Delhi or state, it is the people who will have to pay price. A country is known from the society it has and event managements will not ensure future of its children, women and men. The attitude to look down upon the minorities in suspicion and giving legitimacy to all forms of accusations and violence against them must stop at all level.

The electoral system which benefitted Congress is now helping the BJP but the victims remain the minorities. The propaganda is mostly based on individual incidents where persons from minority or marginalized communities are involved. Their ‘action’ results in negative portrayal of the entire community and ‘need’ strong ‘reaction’. We have seen such ‘reactions’. Majority symbols too are being supplied for children, young and adults in large quantity these days. They mean nothing but everything and have become license to intimidate others who do not look like ‘us’. Every morning we are hearing these heavily loaded slogans of ‘Bharat Mata ki Jai’ and ‘Vande Mataram’ not out of our own self but to provoke ‘others’ who may not be having the same idea about this concept. If patriotism and nationalism can be certified just on the basis of a few empty slogans, India would not have had any problem but it is much bigger than this.

Gandhi was killed and his killings have been justified so was the killings of Indira Gandhi and Rajiv. Godhra was justified and so was the massacre of Delhi in 1984 and Gujarat in 2002. Hundreds of other riots and pogroms have happened in India and our notoriety is in justifying them. Our political system has not yet evolved and may be the political parties do not want that to evolve fully to convert us into a complete democracy where each one of us express our opinion without any fear and each of the communities living in India has enough participation in our power structure. We will not have people crying for justice then when each one of us will feel the pain of them. Why should the victims of pogroms of 1984 and 2002 be referred to with particular political slants? They were Indians and therefore India needs to respond to this that both the massacres at 1984 and 2002 are blot to its face and reflect draconian majority tendencies afraid of minority assertion or dissent. Democracies mature from the accidents of history so that such things do not happen again by providing level playing fields and ensuring through speedy justice without any political manipulations. Will our political leaders rise above narrow and petty political interests and allow justice to be done to those who have been used as fodder to reach power structure. People must not allow themselves to be used in such a way as such games are not over and some other day we will see other games where people are killed and justification being provided by those in power.

A Secular Response

Dr Mohammad Manzoor Alam

The get together of Nitish Kumar, Lalu Prasad Yadav, Deve Gowda and Sharad Yadav over lunch at Mulayam Singh Yadav’s residence in New Delhi has set off talks about revival of parts of the old Janata Party in coming days. The leaders at the lunch belong to JD (U), RJD and SP.

These parties have a presence in a wide arc of India, but have only 15 MPs in Lok Sabha and 25 in Rajya Sabha. They rule in Bihar and UP, which account for 120 MPs together. That’s a considerable power base if they act cohesively.

They can be an influential bloc in Parliament and act as a nuclus for a larger congregation around which secular parties can coalesce on a common minimum programme. To enjoy real strength they have to take on board the Left. To contend for power at the Centre they will have to give up their anti-Congressism and their old antipathies.

If everything goes well, they are hoped to merge together to form a new Janata Party early next year. But here is a big “if”, because they have a record of being fractious. The new conglomerate’s chief is going to be Mulayam Singh Yadav, who has never been known to respect “coalition dharma.”

Already there are people who say the group will not adhere together for any significant length of time. Lalu Yadav is already said to be jostling for a prominent position, while Mulayam Singh has the image of a coalition breaker. The Times of India predicts that it will end up like the Janata Party ended within three years of its rule.

Despite it’s avowed anti-Congressism, the Janata Party has been a watered down version of the Congress Party, like which it is left of centre and distinct from the Communists on the Left and the BJP on the right. Its constituency overlaps that of the Congress. This could be a disadvantage for both the groups as they can tap into each other’s support base, giving the BJP an opportunity to fleet by.

The Janata Party in the making has to be cautious because even small mistakes can make them lose power in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, which are going to the polls in 2015 and 2017 respectively. That will be a great setback for the secular front in India. Their loss will be BJP’s gain.

A Secular Response
The get together of Nitish Kumar, Lalu Prasad Yadav, Deve Gowda and Sharad Yadav over lunch at Mulayam Singh Yadav’s residence in New Delhi has set off talks about revival of parts of the old Janata Party in coming days. The leaders at the lunch belong to JD (U), RJD and SP.
pl click the link to read a little more

with Teesta Setalvad in New Delhi -April 2012

Tuesday 4 November 2014


ये महीना मुहर्रम का है और यह दुनिया को बताने का अवसर है
कि कोई ज़ालिम, बादशाह भले ही हो सकता है,
अपने आप को धार्मिक भले ही कहलवा सकता है,
लेकिन धार्मिक हो नहीं सकता,

क्योंकि हर धर्म की सबसे पहली शर्त है इंसानियत का होना |
बिना इंसानियत के सब कुछ बेकार है ! ज़ुल्म करने वालों पर धिक्कार है !!!
इस मुहर्रम के जुलुस में शिया, सुन्नी ,हिन्दू, सिख, इसाई, दुनिया के कोने कोने में अपने अपने रूप से, भाग लेते हैं और अपनी श्रधांजलि इमाम हुसैन (अ.स) को पेश करते हैं |

किशन लाला उर्फ़ “किशन" सीतापुरी मुहर्रम में एक नौहा पढ़ा करते थे
जिसके शब्द कुछ इस तरह हैं:-
भारत में अगर आ जाता ह्रदय में उतारा जाता
यूँ चाँद बनी हाशिम का धोखे से ना मारा जाता |
चौखट से ना उठते माथे, हर ओर से पूजा होती
इस देश की भाषाओँ में भगवान् पुकारा जाता |

Hyderabad 1948

Hyderabad 1948: India's hidden massacre

Monday 3 November 2014

allahu jameelun

قال: النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم:
“إن الله جميل يحب الجمال"
:said(ﷺ) Messenger of Allah 
واتە: خوای گەورە جوانە و جوان و پاکیشی خۆشدەوێت.

Photo: ‎قال: النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم:
“إن الله جميل يحب الجمال"
:said(ﷺ) Messenger of Allah  
واتە: خوای گەورە جوانە و جوان و پاکیشی خۆشدەوێت.‎

Is the time not come that the hearts

أَلَمْ يَأْنِ لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا أَن تَخْشَعَ قُلُوبُهُمْ لِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ وَمَا نَزَلَ مِنَ الْحَقِّ وَلَا يَكُونُوا كَالَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْكِتَابَ مِن قَبْلُ فَطَالَ عَلَيْهِمُ الْأَمَدُ فَقَسَتْ قُلُوبُهُمْ ۖ وَكَثِيرٌ مِّنْهُمْ فَاسِقُونَ

Is the time not come that the hearts of the believers should be humbled to Allah's remembrance and to the Truth that He has revealed, *28 and that they should not be like those who were vouchsafed the Book and then a long time elapsed so that their hearts were hardened? A great many of them are now evil-doers.

Photo: ‎أَلَمْ يَأْنِ لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا أَن تَخْشَعَ قُلُوبُهُمْ لِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ وَمَا نَزَلَ مِنَ الْحَقِّ وَلَا يَكُونُوا كَالَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْكِتَابَ مِن قَبْلُ فَطَالَ عَلَيْهِمُ الْأَمَدُ فَقَسَتْ قُلُوبُهُمْ ۖ وَكَثِيرٌ مِّنْهُمْ فَاسِقُونَ

Is the time not come that the hearts of the believers should be humbled to Allah's remembrance and to the Truth that He has revealed, *28 and that they should not be like those who were vouchsafed the Book and then a long time elapsed so that their hearts were hardened? A great many of them are now evil-doers. 
ئایا ئیتر ئه‌وه‌نه‌هاتووه بۆ ئه‌وانه‌ی که‌باوه‌ڕیان هێناوه‌، دڵه‌کانیان به‌نوری ئیمان ملکه‌چ ورو‌ناک بۆته‌ووه‌، ترسی خوای تێدا بڕوێنن به‌هۆی یادی به‌رده‌وامی خواو ئه‌و قورئانه‌ی که‌ره‌وانه‌کراوه‌، وه‌ک ئه‌و که‌سانه‌نه‌بن که‌کتێبی ئاسمانییان بۆ ڕه‌وانه‌کرا، به‌ڵام دوای تێپه‌ر بوونی ماوه‌یه‌کی دوورو درێژ، دڵیان ڕه‌ق و ڕه‌ش بوو، زۆربه‌شیان یاخی و سه‌رکه‌ش و ناله‌بار ده‌رچوون.‎

Saturday 1 November 2014

8 ways to avoid losing money in stock market

Milan Parekh of Action Financial Services lists out eight ways to avoid losing money in the stock market. He elaborates on making smart choices to adopt proper strategies and have good market knowledge

Milan Parekh Action Financial Services

Many believe that the stock market is like a money making machine which can turn them into millionaires over a period of time. Well, it is true that a lot of investors have made profits through stock trading. But it was possible because they've made some really smart choices by adopting carefully thought of strategies and good market knowledge. Such investors are also much disciplined in their approach which is why they've reaped the benefits of stock trading.

While you’re out there, thinking of a million ways to grow your money, we have charted out a few ways in which you can avoid losing out on it. 

Identify the market phase 
It is important to know what phase the market is in. For example, figure out if whether it is a trading or a trending phase. Accordingly you can buy/sell breakouts. One can buy weakness and sell strength if it’s a trading phase. Inability to understand the market sentiment can lead to using the wrong indicators in the wrong market conditions.

Observe and trade
If you’re not as experienced as other traders, it is advisable to observe market patterns during the first half of the trading day. It is driven by emotion, affected by overnight movements and effects of the previous day. You can take your trading decisions in the second half after observing the trend in the first half as the real trends emerge during later part of the day.

Avoid hurrying up to book profits 
It may be tempting to book profits early sometimes. However, avoid doing this as long as the market looks right. By doing this, you could be letting go of substantial trends even when you’ve got a good entry into the market. If in case you want to secure your profits, you could do it in stages, thereby keeping some scope to take advantage of the rest of the move. The ideal mix should consist of small profits, small losses and big profits.

Never buy a stock based on its past performance

Stock markets moves in phases. If it goes up during one phase, it comes down during another. It actually depends on the performance of the economy. So, if the economy of a country is doing well stock markets go up and vice versa. A stock that gave certain returns the previous year, may not give similar returns in the current year. The returns will depend not only on the company’s movement, but also on market conditions and state of the economy. Although is always good to know the past performance of a company's stock performance, it is risky to depend completely on it.

Don’t be swayed by unfavourable events

An unfavourable event may not necessarily result in a negative impact on the stock market as well. It actually depends on the nature of the event. You need to analyze the possible impact it could have on the economy overall, and then come to a logical conclusion on the impact it can have on the stock market. Take the Gujarat earthquake for instance. Everybody had speculated that the earthquake would devastate the country's economy and make the stock market stumble because Gujarat has the largest number of investors. Interestingly, the market reacted in a different way by recovering all the losses later on. In this case, the event boosted the economy as reconstruction had to be taken up in a big way, giving a boost to cement and construction industry.

Treat every trade as just another trade

Keep in mind that every trade is just another trade and only normal profits should be expected every time. Supernormal profits do occur, perhaps rarely, but should not be expected. Remember, you should increase your risk only when your equity grows enough to service that risk.

Majority doesn't always win

Just how we consult a million people to take the right decision in our personal life, traders should avoid talking to a lot of people during trading hours, to avoid confusion and chaos. However, it is a good idea to talk to experienced traders after market hours to gain perspective on their views on the market. Say, if the market acts too volatile, it can actually be beneficial if you just back off for a while, even if the majority doesn’t agree.

Diversify, however don't overdo it 

Avoid putting all your money in a single stock because if it performs you win, if not, your investment is gone. Diversification helps you under such circumstances where even if 1 or 2 sectors underperform, you could be gaining from the other sectors. Diversification of investment is a must to mitigate risk. However, do not over-diversify as having too many stocks in a portfolio may not create a significant value for you. There are chances of depriving yourself of the gains from profitable investments.