Monday 5 November 2012

Mother of all bull markets

Mother of all bull markets is still to come says RAKESH JHUNJHUNWALA 
In a weekend televised interview Investment Guru Rakesh Jhunjhunwala said the mother of all bull markets is still to come. He strongly believes that the Indian markets will give 17 -24% % returns in the next few years. He says Indian markets are trading at a PE of 14, which could go up to 25 before topping out. With US and European economy is slowing down and easy money available along with low interest rate regime FII flow will continue. With a 2 trillion dollar economy Investment opportunity will be immense going forward in Indian equities. He specially mentioned value investing which is our Investment mantra for last 26 years. So tighten your seat belt for a profitable trading journey ahead. 

There is an old Indian proverb  : 
Most beautiful lotus flower always grows in dirtiest part of the pond
Today world financial market is the dirtiest pond with unmanageable finances accumulated over the years of mismanagement and following obsolete policies. Now take the best among beautiful flower INDIA. 

While the world is coping with worst crises of century, Indian GDP overshoot and will  grow at the rate of 6% in the next few years. While countries like Spain, Greece or Portugal are making beeline for going bankrupt, India managed its’ fiscal gap within the manageable figure, this is the single most important factor which will prove to be a game changer and attract huge foreign capital looking for safe, secure and stable growth. India is also blessed with a relative reform oriented government which is all out to implement Kiran Parekh committee report, GST, FDI in many sectors. 

For those following technical charts Sensex has given 19% compounded annual return for last 20 years. Just calculate the same rate where the Sensex will land in next 5, 10 or 20 years. FII money or Hedge fund manager will become mad on this study, thrown out by our research team after burning midnight oil over tons and tons of data loaded on our computers over this weekend. 

And the most important thing US, Europe and China has lost credibility among investing community who have billions and billions of money but lack of investing opportunity around the world. India will be a perfect destination for them. You must have witnessed the fact that FII are pouring tons of money in INDIA. 



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