Tuesday 16 September 2014

Quotes & thoughts

If pleasing the Almighty displeases others, it is still better than displeasing the Almighty to please others. We return to HIM not to them

Countering evil with good is never easy. But it provides an opportunity to forge a friendship between those who were once enemies.

Nobody will fully understand the sacrifices of a mother. Not even a father. The Almighty knows and He rewards. Let's appreciate our mothers.

There are thousands of good deeds. If someone is not engaged in the same good deeds as yours, it does not mean that they have no good deeds.
Your body is a gift from the Almighty. He has entrusted you to take good care of it.
As we were growing up, we felt our parents were being hard on us. We promised ourselves that we would be "cool" with our own children. But today, as cool as we think we are, our children feel that we are being hard on them and promise themselves that they would in turn be "cool" with their own children.
"If you worry of what people have to say about you, you will always be very worried
What is given to us by the Almighty is much more than what He has taken away from us. But we need to ponder over this in order to appreciate it.
When nobody understands the way you feel, remember the Almighty will make it heal. So turn to Him and fulfil your part of the deal.
Those you give your heart to can break it, but He who made it and gave it to you in the first place will only strengthen it, so turn to Him.
It is human nature to make mistakes but don't keep on making the same mistakes. Seek forgiveness and move on.
Talking about how bad others are, does not make us good. Let us rather improve ourselves by working on our own weaknesses.
People are generally good but Satan is bad. The further we distance ourselves from him, the greater our chance of success.
Having a higher position than others at the workplace does not give you the right to bully or abuse them. Fulfil the rights of the employee.
The Love and Mercy of the Almighty encompasses YOU, so NEVER lose hope.
Allowing others to disagree with your point of view and not get all emotional about it is a sign of maturity.
Be hopeful. The Almighty's plan is always better than ours even though we may never fully understand it .
Be intelligent enough not to let those who try to create hatred between us and those we have no problem with, succeed.

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