Tuesday 8 January 2013

3 not-so-common New Year's resolutions

How will you improve your health in 2013?
No doubt “exercise more” is near the top of many lists, which is certainly a good thing. The benefits of keeping an active lifestyle are endless.
But activity/exercise is only one step. Consider adding these other resolutions on your journey to a healthier new year:

Make That Appointment
Most of us naturally put family, work and a list of other things first before managing our own health. Our list of other priorities often leads us to delaying a preventive check-up or seeing a doctor when we feel ill.
So instead of delaying, make 2013 the year you start scheduling health appointments. Take charge of your health! As an incentive, consider that physicals and check-ups cost you nothing out-of-pocket under health care reform.

Eat Three Meals a Day
It's probably safe to say we have all fallen victim to skipping a meal to save calories once or twice. Or our busy work schedule prevents us from eating lunch.
Whatever the case, eating three meals a day is an important part of maintaining a healthy and balanced diet. Eating consistent, sensibly-sized meals throughout the day will help keep your energy levels up to par and will prevent hunger throughout the day.

Be Thankful
Being thankful isn't just self-gratifying; it is also healthy. Try making a resolution to practice gratitude each day. Research has shown those who practice gratitude will start seeing emotional, health and interpersonal benefits. So take out the pen and paper and start making lists of things you appreciate daily.

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