Sunday 23 December 2012

Dash your dentin, Dart a dazzling smile

Dazzling white teeth are every body's obsession but teeth begin get darker after a certain age. Over the period of time tiny potholes and cracks naturally form in the teeth. At the same time enamel gets thinner which will lead to more dentin, a yellowish inner layer of the tooth beneath the enamel.

Here are some of the natural home remedies for stained teeth. Get rid of tooth stains with these do's and don'ts of teeth whitening


  • Brush your teeth effectively with soft bristled toothbrush with a proper technique that is brush firmly and not forcefully.
  • Use baking soda with your toothpaste and brush normally. Rinse it away with water afterwards.
  • Gargle with a small capful of peroxide and rinse thoroughly with water after brushing your teeth.
  • Mix charcoal ashes with your toothpaste, and brush for 10 minutes. Brushing with only ashes will still make wonders, as the crystal base chemical has a powerful satin remover. However remember that only hard wood ash contains significant concentration of potassium hydroxide whereas soft wood does not contain the same. It is still practiced in most of the villages in India.
  • Rubbing the bark of walnut tree will also help to remove teeth stains.
  • Eating apple after meal is the easiest and most preferable method to get rid of yellow teeth. Other foods like celery and carrots scrubs away the stubborn stains effectively.
  • Drink water after eating any food or beverage like coffee or blueberries that causes stains. Water will help in preventing stains from accumulating.
  • Rub teeth with the inner white part of an orange peel for a lovely white shine.
  • Strawberries are the natural teeth whiteners. Rubbing the teeth with strawberries will remove all the stains. If you choose to use this method then remember to brush your teeth immediately with fluoride toothpaste and floss, as the sugar and acid may worsen the effect if it is not brushed.
  • Gargling the teeth with a cup of water containing a half teaspoonful of rock salts prevents all tooth problems.
  • Brush your teeth with apple cider vinegar every night.
  • Rub the paste made of half teaspoon of bi-carbonate and soda on your teeth.
  • Make a paste made from toothpaste and baking soda and spread it on an aluminum foil. Cover the teeth with the foil and leave it for an hour. Brush the teeth afterwards. Repeat this twice a week.
  • Don't use your fingernail to remove tooth stains, as your teeth are not hard as a rock. Fingernail can actually scratch the enamel which will led debris to lodge in the enamel thus worsening the situation by making the tooth more prone to tooth cavities.
  • Do not use lemon or anything that has Vitamin C on your teeth. Lemon helps your teeth to become white as it reduces the major component of your healthy teeth, 'calcium'. Once it is lost it is susceptible to decay.
  • Avoid excess intake of coffee, tea, red wine, carbonated drinks and smoking.
  • Also avoid too hot and too cold drinks.

Us these simple methods to get the most desired dazzling smile in just few days.

1. Brush your teeth as usual with a natural toothpaste or you can use the banana peel first and then brush. Use a ripe banana as it has the most potassium content in it. Peel from the bottom end as this is how monkeys peel their bananas and it will keep you from having all those loose threads.
2, Take a piece of the inside of the banana peel and gently rub around on your teeth for about 2 minutes. The amazing minerals in the peel like potassium, magnesium and manganese absorb into your teeth and whiten them.
3. Repeat the same procedure at night or before bedtime, to whiten teeth. Leaving the banana peel on longer is optional if you have stains that need to come off.
4. Do the banana peel routine twice daily to see teeth whiten.

Candles – made from Oranges...
It probably smells a lot better too....
(Most candle wax are made from petroleum products and when burned are not a healthy choice).
You will need:
A navel orange (they are easier to peel)
a knife
Olive oil or other kind of vegetable oil

Using a small, sharp knife cut around the orange – but only skin deep.
Use your fingers to work the skin away from the orange. Be gentle, so you don’t rip the skin! (If you are using a navel orange, the skin should loosen quite easily.)
Once it has been loosened, remove the skin – but leave the white stem-like piece intact. This will be the wick.
Fill with olive oil until it is about 1cm from the top of the wick. Dunk the wick in the oil, so it is coated. Light. Enjoy! The flame will last several hours.

If you want your house to smell heavenly,

Boil orange peels with a half teaspoon of cinnamon on medium heat. Smells amazing !!

Get Rid Of Black Heads In 5 Minutes...

Black heads on face are a common problem which all of us face, especially the blackheads on nose and areas around it. Though scrubbing helps to get rid of black heads to some extent but the results are not much satisfactory. Here’s one quick and very effective homemade remedy for your black heads and white heads.
So what are you waiting for friends , go and try this one out

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