Friday 1 January 2021

The New Beginning

Message for Friday.
By _Jameel Aahmed Milansaar_

Everything in this world is temporary. Nothing lasts. Not even the ache in your heart. Everything that you’re experiencing will give way to something better. Allah has promised us. So put Your trust in ALLAH and Have sabr. ALLAH decrees sorrow and pain.

May Allah, show us the Light and open Our closed Doors. May Allah, unite those who are away from their Loved ones. 

Say! Ya Allah, bestow on us your Mercy and Help us to make what seems Impossible, Possible. Ameen.

it's jummah!
Go to Masjid Early
Make A Lot Of Dua'aa
Read Surat Al-Kahf 
Send Lot Of Durood
Upon The prophet ο·Ί

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