Friday 8 December 2023

If you're an overthinker, read this

• Overthinking is your worst enemy. Life is too short to spend at war with yourself.

• Sometimes it’s all in your head. Don't let silly little things steal all your happiness.

• Time doesn't heal emotional pain, you need to learn how to let go. • Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do. But doesn’t get you anywhere.

• If it's meant to be, it will be eventually. If it isn't, stressing won't make it different. • Don’t worry about people who aren’t happy for you. They probably are not happy for themselves either.

• Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. Don't let your mind bully your body. •If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, and focus on living fully in the present.

• Be aware of what’s worth your energy. Say no to those who don’t. • Your life becomes the story you tell yourself. Change the story you tell. And change your life.

• What others say and do is a projection of their own reality. Don't be the victim of needless suffering. • The past is behind you, learn from it. The future is ahead, prepare for it. The present is here, live it.

• A calm mind makes wiser decisions. If you're overthinking, write. If you're underthinking, read. • Stop caring what others think. Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.

• Always trust your instincts. A quiet mind is able to hear intuition over fear. • Thoughts are not fact. Do what's right for you. Start putting yourself and your own happiness first.

Repeat after me! - I am strong - I am worthy - I can do this - My health matters - My current situation isn't my final destination

Sunday 19 November 2023

گرتے ہیں شہ سوار ہی میدانِ جنگ میں وہ طفل کیا گرے جو گھٹنوں کے بل چلے

 گرتے ہیں شہ سوار ہی میدانِ جنگ میں

وہ طفل کیا گرے جو گھٹنوں کے بل چلے

Thursday 9 November 2023

Who is Iqbal? - Brief Introduction to the Legendary poet of the east

Sir Muhammad Iqbal (Urdu: محمد اقبال; 9 November 1877 – 21 April 1938),
Allama Muhammad lqbal was born in Sialkot on 9th November, 1877 in a home belonging to a pious and practicing Muslim family. Beginning his educational career at the Scottish Mission School, he went on to acquire his M. A. in Philosophy, before joining Trinity College, and later earning the degree of Bar-at-Law. He furthered his education by getting the degree of doctorate from Germany on 'The Development of Metaphysics in Persia'.
He worked in different capacities at different points of time; he taught philosophy, practised law, got involved in politics, and also attended the second Round Table Conference.
His thesis, 'The Development of Metaphysics in Persia' revealed some aspects of Islamic mysticism formerly unknown in Europe. Through poetic symposia in which memorizing verse was customary, his poetry became widely known. On his return from Europe, he gained his livelihood by the practice of law. He started writing and composing poetry at the age of 15 influenced by an event when he was under the pupilage of Syed Mir Hassan (Shams ul Ulama).
His early poetry consisted of the typical genre of poetry at that age (worldly love, dialogues and stories).

Before he visited Europe, his poetry affirmed Indian nationalism, as in Naya shawalã ("The New Altar"), but time away from India caused him to shift his perspective. He came to criticize nationalism for a twofold reason: in Europe it had led to destructive racism and imperialism, and in India it was not founded on an adequate degree of common purpose. In a speech delivered at Aligarh in 1910, under the title "Islam as a Social and Political Ideal," he indicated the new Pan-Islamic direction of his hopes. His famous poem, "Wataniyat" smashes the idol of nationalism. The recurrent themes of Iqbal's poetry are a memory of the vanished glories of Islam, a complaint about its present decadence, and a call to unity and reform.
Reform can be achieved by strengthening the individual through three successive stages: obedience to the law of Islam, self-control, and acceptance of the idea that everyone is potentially a vicegerent of God (naib, Khalifa or mumin).

Shikwah ("The Complaint"), Jawäb-e shikwah ("The Answer to the Complaint"), and Khizr-e räh ("Khizr, the Guide"), were published later in 1924 in the Urdu collection Bang-e darã ("The Call of the Bell"). In those works Iqbal gave intense expression to the anguish of Muslim powerlessness. Notoriety came in 1915 with the publication of his long Persian poem Asrar-e khüdi (The Secrets of the Self).

He spoke strongly against the capitalism as practiced by the west. He was of the view that this system has ripped human beings of their basic rights and has kicked them into a generational slavery. A slavery of mental and physical anguish.
The significance of the Self (Khudi, Ego) in an individual, lqbal argued, is that it is the source through which we can bring ourselves closest to the Ultimate. Let us, therefore, study the nature and immense power that lies in the human self. labal has gone so deep into the ocean of the self that it has become difficult for a common person to dive with him to that depth.
This is why he had to face severe criticism during his lifetime particularly from religious people. In fact he possessed a very high aesthetic sense, on account of which he adopted a highly literary and poetic method to explain his creative ideas with respect to developing the rich faculties of the human mind through the self. If you want to understand God you have to understand your self first. To understand and then awaken your self you have to pass through strenuous stages; and the most difficult task for you is to fight against yourself.

The Muslim community, as lqbal conceived it, ought effectively to teach and to encourage generous service to the ideals of brotherhood and justice. The mystery of selflessness was the hidden strength of Islam. Ultimately, the only satisfactory mode of active self-realization was the sacrifice of the self in the service of causes greater than the self. The paradigm was the life of the Prophet Muhammad and the devoted service of the first believers.

His philosophical position was articulated in 'The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam (1934)', a volume based on six lectures delivered at Madras (now Chennai), Hyderabad, and Aligarh in 1928-29. He argued that a rightly focused man should unceasingly generate vitality through interaction with the purposes of the living God.
The Prophet Muhammad had returned from his unitary experience of God to let loose on the earth a new type of manhood and a cultural world characterized by the abolition of priesthood and hereditary kingship and by an emphasis on the study of history and nature.

At the annual session of the league at Allahabad in 1930, he gave the presidential address, in which he made a famous statement that the Muslims of northwestern India should demand status as a separate state. This was the peak of his political career and disposition.
After a long period of ill health, lqbal died in April 1938 and was buried in front of the great Badshahi Mosque in Lahore. Two years later the Muslim League voted for the idea of Pakistan, which became a reality in 1947.
He is also called Muffakir-e-Pakistan,
"The Inceptor of Pakistan", and Hakeem-ul-Ummat, "The Sage of the Ummah".
Pakistan has officially recognised him as its "national poet". In Iran and Afghanistan he is famous as lqbal-e Lahori (lqbal of Lahore), and he is most appreciated for his Persian work.

Iqbal lives today through his poetry and philosophical works. However, the nation he wrote for has turned its direction from him. The dream he saw for the Muslim Ummah lies incomplete. He has influenced revolutions in Iran, Central Asia and Egypt. He is more relevant than ever. His poetry, as claimed by him, contains nothing but the love of God and his Prophet (PBUH).
It is now upto to the Shabab-e-Millat (Youth) to study his message and strive to spread it. We can't underestimate the power of planting a seed.

اقبال کا ترانہ بانگِ درا ہے گویا
ہوتا ہے جادہ پیما پھر کارواں ہمارا
Iqbal's song is like the bell of a caravan;
Once more our caravan measures the road.

M.Chinnaswamy Stadium - Bengaluru INDIA

 Venue Description

M Chinnaswamy stadium, lying in the heart of the state capital, continues to remain one of the biggest cricketing centres of the country. Starting off as a humble abode, the stadium has now turned out to be a marquee venue, capable of hosting some of the biggest cricket matches to be played in the country. Home to some of the classiest match-winners of India, Chinnaswamy stadium, in its debut Test match had the honour of hosting the West Indies in 1974. The match also marked the emergence of two modern legends, Gordon Greenidge and Sir Viv Richards. Since then, the stadium has regularly hosted Tests, although it's unfortunately considered as one of India's unluckiest venues.

Bangalore hosted the final Test against Pakistan in 1987, remembered more for the minefield of a pitch and the consequent 96 from Sunil Gavaskar, one of the best ever knocks played by the little master. The venue also hosted Sachin Tendulkar's last Test as India's captain, against South Africa in February, 2000, enabling Hansie Cronje's men complete a historic series win. Unlike traditional Indian pitches, Bangalore offers more pace and bounce and it's one of the biggest reasons why overseas teams enjoy playing on this surface.

Floodlights were installed on this beautiful ground in 1996 and the first D/N match was the epic battle between India and Pakistan in the 1996 World Cup. The other much talked about match at this venue is the Titan Cup match between India and Australia in 1996. India sneaked home by 2 wickets after local heroes, Anil Kumble and Javagal Srinath, were involved in a stunning 52-run partnership for the unbroken ninth wicket. Bangalore also hosted two India matches during the 2011 World Cup, with the game against England ending in a thrilling tie. The ground is also a regular host of IPL matches, with RCB playing all their home games, in front of their most loyal and boisterous supporters.
How does the pitch play?

Short boundaries and high altitude makes the Chinnaswamy track a heaven for batters in the limited-overs formats. Many big scores have been posted and chased down with immense ease. While it’s a batting paradise in the shorter format of the game, the track tends to help the pacers in Test cricket. One of the few Indian grounds to boast of a pitch with plenty of spice, many pacers have loved exhibiting their wares in the five-day version of the game.

Stats and Trivia:

Rohit Sharma scored his first ODI double hundred on this ground, a fine 209 against Australia in 2013

The venue was also the scene of Ireland's biggest win. They beat England in the 2011 World Cup encounter after Kevin O'Brien smashed a 50-ball 100, the fastest hundred in a WC match.

Blogger View:
Early wickets in ODI, All rounders play vital role 

Thursday 26 October 2023

10 things every father should teach their kids

Children need stronger fathers.
Here are 10 things every father should teach their kids:

1. How To Respect Teach your children to respect themselves, others, and their environment. Explain that respect is earned and not given freely, and that it is important to show respect in all aspects of life.

2. Take Responsibility For Their Actions Teach your children to take responsibility for their actions and decisions. Explain that they are responsible for their own behavior, and the consequences of their choices.

3. Always Be Honest Teach your children the importance of being honest in all situations. Explain that honesty is the best policy and that lying can have serious consequences.
4. Master Self-Control & Discipline Teach your children how to control their emotions and impulses in difficult situations. Explain that self-control is essential for making good decisions and avoiding bad ones.
5. Importance Of Perseverance Teach your children the value of hard work and dedication in achieving goals. Explain that success often requires perseverance, even when things seem impossible or difficult at first.
6. Develop Problem-Solving Skills Teach your children how to think critically, and solve problems on their own without relying on others for help or advice. Explain that problem-solving skills are essential for success in life, both personally and professionally.
7. Teach Them About Finance Teach your children about: • Money management • Credit cards • Budgeting • Investing • Saving • Loans • Taxes So they can make informed financial decisions as adults.
8. Manage Their Time Efficiently Teach your children how to manage their time effectively so they can prioritize tasks, and meet deadlines without feeling overwhelmed, or stressed out by too many commitments or obligations at once.
9. Communication Skills Teach your children how to communicate effectively with others by: - Listening carefully - Speaking clearly - Asking questions respectfully - Expressing opinions confidently So they can build strong relationships with people from all walks of life.
10. How to do Self-Care Teach your children the importance of taking care of themselves: • Physically: eating healthy foods & exercising regularly. • Mentally: getting enough sleep & managing stress levels. • Emotionally: expressing feelings & seeking help when needed.

فلسطین' تاریخ کے دریچے سے۔۔۔۔

✍:- تابش سحر 

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بابرکت سرزمین کیوں؟ (قسط ۱)


مصر، اردن، شام اور لبنان کے درمیان واقع خطّۂِ ارضی کو "فلسطین" کہتے ہیں جس کا شمال مغربی علاقہ بحیرہ روم سے جاملتا ہے۔ یہ کوئی عام علاقہ نہیں بلکہ مقدّس سرزمینِ شام کا نہایت ہی اہم حصّہ ہے جس کے بابرکت ہونے کی شہادت قرآن مجید نے دی ہے۔ حضرت ابراہیمؑ نے صنم کدۂِ عراق کے سارے بت پاش پاش کردیے تو آپ کے لیے نارِ نمرود بھڑکائی گئی جو اللہ کے فضل و کرم سے سراپا سلامتی بن گئی تھی۔ قوم کی ہٹ دھرمی، سرکشی اور صنم پرستی سے بیزار ہوکر حکمِ خداوندی کی فرمانبرداری میں بالآخر آپؑ نے عراق کو الوداع کہا، ہجرت کا فریضہ انجام دیا اور اس مقدّس سرزمین کو اپنا وطن بنایا جسے ہم فلسطین کے نام سے جانتے ہیں۔ حضرت ابراہیم علیہ السلام اللہ تعالیٰ کے سامنے سجدہ کرتے تو فلسطین کی مٹّی' خلیلِ خدا کی جبینِ نیاز کو چومتی اور اپنی قسمت پر رشک کرتی۔ 

حضرت ابوذر غفاریؓ کہتے ہیں میں نے حضور صلّی اللہ علیہ وسلم سے دریافت کیا کہ روئے زمین کی سب سے پہلی مسجد کونسی ہے؟ آپؐ نے فرمایا "مسجدِحرام"

میں نے کہا "اس کے بعد؟'

آپؐ نے فرمایا "مسجدِ اقصٰی" 

میں نے دریافت کیا کہ دونوں کی تعمیر کے درمیان کتنا وقفہ ہے؟

آپؐ نے ارشاد فرمایا "چالیس سال" 

اس مکالمے سے گمان ہوتا ہے کہ مسجدِ اقصٰی کے پہلے معمار حضرت ابراہیمؑ ہے۔ 

حضرت لوط علیہ السلام' اپنی قوم کو بےحیائیوں اور برائیوں سے برابر روکتے رہے مگر قوم نہ مانی سو ان پر پتھروں کی برسات ہوی اور وہ اس طور پر مبتلائے عذاب ہوے کہ عبرت کا نشان بن کر رہ گئے، پراسرار بحرِ مُردار آج بھی اس ہیبت ناک حادثے کے صدمے سے نہیں نکل سکا ہے۔ اللہ تعالیٰ نے اپنے نبی (حضرت لوطؑ) کو پیروکاروں سمیت نجات عطا کی اور انہیں دیارِ بابرکت میں اقامت کی سعادت بخشی۔

یوسفِ گم گشتہؑ کا وطن بھی فلسطین ہی تو ہے یعنی گیارہ ستارے اور آفتاب و ماہتاب کی سجدہ گزاری کا خواب اسی سرزمین پر دیکھا گیا، کنواں، غلام، بھیڑیا اور قمیص سب فلسطینی ہیں پھر صبرِ جمیل کی عملی تفسیر حضرت یعقوب علیہ السلام نے اسی سرزمین پر پیش کی۔ حضرت یوسفؑ مصر کے تختِ شاہی پر جلوہ افروز ہوے تو کنعان کے قحط زدہ ستارے دربارِ یوسفی میں حاضر ہوے، فیضانِ یوسفی سے مستفید ہوے اور عفو و درگزر کا پروانہ حاصل کیا۔ یعقوبؑ اپنے اہل خانہ سمت مصر تشریف لائے اور یوں بنی اسرائیل مصر کے ہوکر رہ گئے مگر جب یوسفؑ کے بعد فراعنۂِ مصر نے فرزندانِ اسرائیل کو تختۂِ مشق بنالیا، ان پر ظلم کے پہاڑ توڑے تو اللہ نے حضرت موسیٰ علیہ السلام کو مبعوث کیا، آپؑ خدا کی نشانیاں لے کر دربارِ شاہی میں پہنچے، تبلیغِ دین کا فریضہ انجام دیا، ساحرانِ فرعون کو شکست دی، منطقی دلائل پیش کیے لیکن فرعون کی قسمت میں ہدایت نہ تھی سو آپؑ اللہ تعالیٰ کی اجازت سے اپنی قوم کو لے کر نکلے، فرعون بھی لاؤلشکر سمیت پیچھا کرنے لگا، بحرِ قلزم کے کنارے آپؑ نے زمین پر عصا دے مارا تو درمیان میں راہ نکل آئی بنی اسرائیل پار نکل گئے اور فرعون اپنی فوج سمیت غرقاب ہوگیا۔ 

فرعون سے نجات کے بعد بنی اسرائیل کو جس ارضِ مقدّسہ میں داخلے کا حکم دیا گیا اس کا ایک حصّہ فلسطین بھی تھا، جہاں قومِ جبّارین کی حکومت تھی، اپنی کج روی کے باعث بنی اسرائیل وادیِ تیہہ میں بھٹکتے رہے اور جب سزا کی مدّت پوری ہوی اور وہ جہاد پر آمادہ ہوگئے تو اللہ تعالیٰ نے انہیں ارضِ مقدّسہ کا وارث بنادیا۔ 

حضرت داؤد علیہ السلام نے باطل کے آلۂِ کار جالوت کو قتل کردیا تو اللہ تعالیٰ نے ان کے سر پر بادشاہت کا تاج سجایا، علم و حکمت کے زیور سے آراستہ کیا، ان کی سلطنت میں فلسطین اہم مقام کی حیثیت رکھتا ہے۔ حضرت سلیمان علیہ السلام اپنے والد کے بعد بادشاہ ہوے تو انہوں نے فلسطین کو منظّم شہر میں تبدیل کردیا۔

حضرت زکریاّ و یحیی علیھما السلام، پاکباز خاتون مریم اور مضطرب دلوں کے مسیحا ابنِ مریم علیہ السلام کا تعلّق بھی ارضِ مقدّسہ سے ہے۔ یہ چند مشہور نبیوں کے نام ہیں ان کے علاوہ سینکڑوں نبیوں کا تعلّق اس سرزمین سے رہا ہے، نبیوں کی کثرت سے آمد رحمت و برکت کا خزینہ ہے، ہدایت کا سرچشمہ ہے اور اخروی نجات و کامیابی کا ذریعہ ہے بایں وجہ اسے بابرکت سرزمین کہا گیا، اس کے علاوہ سرسبزوشادابی، زمین کی زرخیزی اور خوشگوار موسم دنیوی برکت کی نشانیاں ہیں۔ سفرِ معراج میں خانۂِ کعبہ سے مسجدِ اقصیٰ کی طرف لے جانے میں یہ حکمت پوشیدہ نظر آتی ہے کہ اس سرزمینِ انبیاء کی اہمیت اور عظمت کا احساس دلایا جائے۔

Saturday 26 August 2023

The darkest side of HUMANITY . - Tripta Tyagi-

 This woman is seriously sick mentally. Such people should not be allowed around children. Let alone being a teacher.

#ArrestTriptaTyagi The darkest side of HUMANITY .
By law, the police does NOT require a complaint from the child's father/family to register an FIR. A cognizable offense has been disclosed and an immediate FIR MUST be filed. This cancer of communal poison has spread to a point where students are not safe even from their teachers.
Just HOW MUCH hate before we wake up to reality - now its not a question of who will win elections - now its the question of who will allow for this nation to be destroyed ...

Friday 21 July 2023

بچوں کی تربیت کے حوالے سے کرنے کے کاموں میں آج بس یہ چھوٹی سی لسٹ!

بچوں کی تربیت کے حوالے سے کرنے کے کاموں میں آج بس یہ چھوٹی سی لسٹ! 

گلے لگانا:
کہیں ایک ریسرچ میں پڑھا تھا کہ انسان کو دن میں کم از کم آٹھ بار hug کی ضرورت ہوتی ہے۔ اپنی تو چلیں چھوڑیئے لیکن اپنے بچوں کی اس ضرورت کا خیال کریں۔ میرے جیسی ماں کو ہر پونے گھنٹے کا الارم لگانا پڑتا ہے تا کہ کام میں لگ کر بھول نہ جاؤں۔ لمس سے ایک محبت، ایک گرماہٹ کا احساس دل میں جاگتا ہے، تحفظ کا احساس ہوتا ہے، بچے میں self esteem بڑھتی ہے۔ ایک اور ریسرچ کے مطابق hug اتنا لمبا ضرور ہو کہ آپ آرام سے دس تک گنتی گن سکیں۔ یہ بھی خیال رہے کہ دو زانو ہو کر بچے کے لیول پر آ کر اسکو گلے لگائیں تا کہ وہ بھی آپ کے گلے میں بازو ڈال کر آپ کو hug back کر سکے۔

آئی کانٹیکٹ:
آئی کانٹیکٹ کسی بھی رشتے میں‌ ازحد ضروری ہے اور سکرین کی وجہ سے بری طرح متاثر ہوا ہے۔ ہمیں خود تو برا لگتا ہے کہ شوہر ٹی وی کی طرف دیکھتے دیکھتے ہی جواب دیتے ہیں، ہم نظرانداز ہو رہے ہیں، لیکن وہی ہم ہانڈی میں چمچہ ہلاتے ہوئے بچوں سے بات کر رہے ہوتے ہیں، دور سے ہی سوال جواب چل رہے ہوتے ہیں۔ سارا دن تو ممکن نہیں لیکن اصول بنا لیں کہ رات کے کھانے پر ہر طرح کی سکرین آف ہو، یا سونے سے پہلے کچھ دیر آئی کانٹیکٹ کر کے دن بھر کی روداد شیئر کی جائے اور پھر بچوں سے بھی پوچھا جائے کہ کیسا دن گزرا۔

بوسہ لینا:
چھوٹے بچوں کو تو ہم بار بار گود میں اٹھاتے ہیں، بار بار پیار کرتے ہیں لیکن جیسے جیسے بچہ بڑا ہوتا جاتا ہے، ایک فاصلہ غیر محسوس طریقے سے حائل ہوتا جاتا ہے۔ اب کئی کئی دن اسکو بوسہ نہیں دیا جاتا۔ بظاہر نہ آپ کو کوئی تشنگی محسوس ہوتی ہے اور نہ انہیں لیکن کہیں نہ کہیں ایک کمی سی رہ جاتی ہے۔
 یہ کمی نہ رہنے دیں! بچے کو جب گلے لگائیں تو ماتھے پر پیار سے بوسہ دے دیں۔ اسے اچھا لگے گا۔ آپکو بھی اچھا لگے گا! 

محبت کسی بھی رشتے میں ہو، اظہار اور تجدیدِ اظہار مانگتی ہے۔ کتنی ہی بار ہم یہ شکوہ اپنے شوہر سے کرتے ہیں کہ آپ بدل گئے ہیں۔ اب آپ ویسے پیار نہیں کرتے جیسے شادی کے شروع میں کرتے تھے۔ زبان سے نہ کہیں تو بھی دل میں محسوس کرتے ہیں۔ 
لیکن بعینہ وہی سب بچوں کے ساتھ بھی کرتے ہیں۔ چھوٹے بچے کو چوم چوم کر اسکو تنگ کر دیتے ہیں، اور بڑے بچوں کے لئے ہمیں یاد ہی نہیں رہتا کہ محبت انکی بھی ضرورت ہے۔ اظہار کیوں نہیں کرتے؟ کیوں نہیں بتاتے اپنی اولاد کو کہ وہ ہماری زندگی کا محور ہے؟ ہماری خوشی اسکی مسکراہٹ سے مشروط ہے۔ اسکے چہرے پر ذرا سی پریشانی ہماری جان نکال دیتی ہے۔ وہ ہمیں ہر ایک سے زیادہ عزیز ہے۔ جب hug کریں تو دس تک گنتی گننے کی بجائے اسوقت انہیں ایک آدھا جملہ پیار سے بول دیں۔ پھر آئی کانٹیکٹ کر کے ماتھے پر بوسہ دیں اور پندرہ سیکنڈ میں آپکے تینوں "کام" ہو جائیں گے۔ 🙂 

جو لوگ اپنے بچوں کو جھپی نہیں ڈالتے، بوسہ دینے کی عادت نہیں، وہ ایک سے شروع کریں۔ جھجک آئے تو بھی کوشش کریں اور آہستہ آہستہ ڈوز بڑھاتے جائیں۔ آپکو فرق خود ہی محسوس ہو گا۔ محبت کا یہ اظہار روزانہ کی بنیاد پر اسلئے بھی اتنا اہم ہے کہ محبت ہم سبھی کی بنیادی ضرورت ہے۔ جب گھر سے نہیں ملتی تو کہیں اور ڈھونڈنی پڑتی ہے۔
 بہتر یہی ہے کہ ہماری اولاد کو گھر سے ہی اتنا پیار اور اعتماد ملے، انہیں محبت کے لئے کسی اور کی طرف نہ دیکھنا پڑے۔ آپکو نہیں معلوم کہ گھر سے باہر کی دنیا کا کوئی شخص انہیں محبت دے گا تو واپسی میں کیا ڈیمانڈ کرے گا۔ محتاط رہیں۔ وقت کی نزاکت کا خیال رکھیں۔

Saturday 24 June 2023

#سوال👈کیا ہر عورت کو رومینٹک Husband اور ہر مرد کو رومینٹک بیگم کی ضرورت رہتی ہے۔

Husbandسوال👈کیا ہر عورت کو رومینٹک 

 اور ہر مرد کو رومینٹک بیگم کی ضرورت رہتی ہے۔

#جواب👈جی ہاں عورت ہو یا مرد سکون سے زندگی کی بھاگ دوڑ سمنبھالنے
 💕 حاضر دماغ رہنے💕 
 اپنی صلاحیتوں کو چمکانے 💕
 ٹھرک پن سے بچنے 💕
 گھر ، بچوں اور شوہر کو کوالٹی ٹائم دینے 💕
 بیوی بچوں اور اپنی جاب بزنس کو بہترین انداز میں مینیج کرنے 💕
 پر سکون نیند کیلئے 💕
 فریش رہنے اور اپنے روز مرہ کاموں میں دلچسپی اورسوچ کی مضبوطی کیلئے ہر عورت کو رومینٹک Husband  اور ہر مرد کو رومینٹک بیگم کی ضرورت رہتی ہے تاکہ من چاہی جنسی ضرورت پوری ہو سکے اور یہ ضرورت تاحیات رہتی ہے چاہے بڑھاپا ہی کیوں نہ ہو ۔ کوشش کیجئے اس رشتے کو تنگ نہ کیا جائے تاکہ پر سکون ذہن کے ساتھ زندگی کے مشکل سفر کو کچھ سکون سے کاٹ لیا جائے ناکہ غیر لوگوں سے اپنی اس خواہش کو پورا کرنے کے چکر میں نہ انسان اپنے قابل رہے اور نہ ہی دوسروں کو کوئی فائدہ پہنچا سکے کیونکہ یہیں ضرورت ہر مرد و عورت کی اشد ضرورت ہے کیونکہ ذہنی 
جسمانی سکون حلال رشتے سے ہی منسلک ہے چاہے ساری دنیا سے آنکھیں چار کر لی جائیں۔

Wednesday 21 June 2023



Qurbani FAQ

Q.  What is Qurbani Eid?

Qurbani – what is it? Qurbani is the act of offering a sacrifice on Eid ul-Adha. It commemorates the supreme sacrifice offered by Prophet Ibrahim (AS) to show his total submission and gratitude towards Allah (SWT). It is also one of the compulsory acts of Hajj.

Once, our beloved Prophet (PBUH) was asked, what is Qurbani? The Prophet (PBUH) answered, ‘‘It is the Sunnah of your father Ibrahim (AS). For every hair of the Qurbani, you receive a reward from Allah (SWT).’’ [Al-Tirmidhi] 

Q. When is Qurbani 2023?

Qurbani 2023 is set to fall on Wednesday, 28 June; however, this is subject to the sighting of the moon.

Q.  Why do we have to give Qurbani?

The Holy Qur’an informs us that in a vision, Prophet Ibrahim (AS) saw that he offered his son Ismail (AS) in sacrifice to Allah (SWT). When he shared this vision with his son, Ismail (AS) said: "O my father! Do as you are commanded: you will find me, if Allah so wills, of the patient ones.’’ However, when Prophet Ibrahim (AS) carried out the commandment, Allah (SWT) replaced Ismail (AS) with a ram. 

To remember his incredible bravery and to emulate the piety and example of one of the greatest men of Islam, donating Qurbani is considered a highly rewardable act of worship, as demonstrated by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Q. Where can I carry out my Qurbani? 

In Some situation it is very difficult to perform your own Qurbani. Therefore, it is permitted to arrange for Qurbani with the one who can take responsibility of the same.

In this case if you are in Bangalore you can Contact Manhaj Qurbani Schemes or call 98454 98354 for details.

Q.  How is Qurbani distributed?

It is recommended that the meat of the Qurbani sacrifice is shared equally in three parts between:

    • Family members of the person performing Qurbani,
    • Relatives and friends, and
    • The poor and most vulnerable.

        Q.  Why can't I choose which animal to sacrifice?

        Local customs and the type of animal that would be most suited to beneficiary needs plays a huge role in the selection of animals. Therefore, it would be difficult and not practical to allocate an animal according to your requirements.

        Q.  What animals are eligible for Qurbani? 

        The following animals can be sacrificed: goats, sheep, cattle, and camels. It is necessary that the following ruling applies; animals that are younger are not suitable for Qurbani:

          • Goat: one (full) year old, whether male or female.
          • Sheep (of any kind); no less than six months old. If it is six months and is strong and healthy, this will suffice for Qurbani. Otherwise, it will have to be one (full) year old.

                If an animal seller stipulates that the animal has reached the required age, and outwardly there is no sign to disprove it, then it is permissible to rely on this statement. No other type of animal is allowed for Qurbani. In addition, the animals should be in good health.

                Q. How much Qurbani do I need to give?

                Smaller animals, such as goats and sheep, account for one Qurbani share. Larger animals, such as Buffalo and camels, account for seven shares. You must give at least one share of Qurbani meat.

                Q.  When will Qurbani be carried out? 

                The days of Qurbani are the 10th, 11th and 12th of Dhul Hijjah. The first day is better than the second, and the second is better than the last. In towns, cities, and villages where Jumu'ah and Eid prayers are performed, Qurbani is not permissible before the Eid salah. However, you can and should order your Qurbani with Manhaj Qurbani Schemes (98454 98354) any time before Eid.

                We try our best to carry out the Qurbani on Eid day; however, this could extend to the 12th of Dhul Hijjah, where your Qurbani will definitely be fulfilled. 

                 Q. When do you give Qurbani?

                We recommend that you make your payment for Qurbani as soon as possible. You can make payments right up until the end of the second day after Eid (12th of Dhul-Hijjah) before Maghrib. The time for the Qurbani sacrifice begins after the Eid prayer on Eid ul-Adha and ends when the sun sets on the 12th of Dhul Hijjah, a total of three days of sacrifice.

                Q.  Who is Qurbani compulsory for?

                According to most Muslims, Qurbani is obligatory for every sane person that has wealth in excess of their needs. Normally, those who are eligible to pay Zakat tend to give a Qurbani - Nisab is the value of excess wealth, which makes a Muslim liable for Zakat.
                We can take your Qurbani order up until the sun sets on the 12th of Dhul Hijjah. After that, you may have to pay compensation for missing the obligation. Contact your local Imam for advice.    

                Q.  What is the difference between Qurbani and Udhiyah? 

                Essentially, there is no difference between the two terms. Udhiya is an Arabic word meaning "blood sacrifice", and Qurbani is an Urdu and Persian word derived from the Arabic word "Qurban", which means an act performed to seek Allah's (SWT) pleasure. Qurbani is far more popular among the Muslims of the India, Udhiyah is also used commonly in Kerala . 

                Q.  Do I need to do anything special if I intend to offer a sacrifice? 

                A person who intends to fulfil a Qurbani sacrifice should refrain from cutting their hair or nails or removing parts of the skin during the first 10 days of Dhul Hijjah.
                *Some believe that this applies to everyone who is making a sacrifice, and some say it is only for the people who are performing Hajj.*

                Monday 10 April 2023

                Tahajjud - Fard vs Tahajjud

                FARD VS TAHAJJUD
                Do you know the differences between Fard (Obligatory) Prayers and Tahajjud Prayer?
                I never read a better explanation of the fadeelat of Tahajjud.
                *FARD PRAYERS CALLS are given in a Human voice by Mu'adhin, while the Tahajjud's call is given by Allããh Himself.
                *THE CALL FOR FARD PRAYER is heard by all human beings, while the call for Tahajjud is felt by a few selected ones.
                *CALL FOR FARD PRAYER says come for prayer come for prayer ( Hayya 'Alas-Salah.......), while call for Tahajjud says, “is there any seeker I give “( Hal min Sã'ilin, fa'u'tee)?
                Most of the Muslims pray obligatory Fard prayer, While tahajjud is performed by a selected few whom Allããh chooses.
                *IN FARD SALÃH, there is the possibility of Riyãu,(show off) which means it may be not purely for Allaah with Ikhlãs , but Tahajjud is prayed alone quietly -Only Allaah knows.
                *IN FARD SALÃT there is a greater possibility of distraction of mind, thought and heart as one frees himself from business of duniya, while in Tahajjud one is away from the routine tensions of duniya and is only thinking of Ãkhirat.
                *IN FARD SALAAT one May think of meeting some one in the masjid, but Tahajjud is about meeting and talking only to Allaah where you can share all your problems and ask for His mercy.
                *LASTLY, Tahajjud is purely a special Tawfeeq from Allaah, from whom He wants to listen and likes the crying and asking of Him.


                Thursday 23 March 2023

                RAMAZAN 2023

                Ya Allah, on this first day of the

                Blessed Month of Ramadan,

                Bless us with piety and make us

                steadfast on Tilawat of the Qur'an.


                Friday 27 January 2023

                Connect to Almighty

                Message of Friday
                By Jameel Aahmed Milansaar
                27 Jan 2023.

                Pray to Allah, tell Him that thing you're struggling with so He can help, don't be embarrassed,
                He already knows what it is anyway. 

                When you have nothing left except Allah then you will find that Allah is always enough for you, Never give up making dua to Allah. It may not happen now, it may not happen next month but it will happen when Allah knows is best for you, Delay is not denial, Allah knows what's best for us and when it's best for us to have it. Supplicate to Allah with full trust.

                 *Many problems will be resolved quickly and smoothly when you take them to Allah in prayer, not to social networks.*

                📿it's jum'ah!
                Say Alhamdulillah.
                Make Lots Of Dua'aa
                Read Surat Al-Kahf 
                Send Lot Of Durood
                Upon The prophet ﷺ

                Monday 16 January 2023

                The Grand Mosque - Kaaba

                The Grand Mosque of Mecca tops the list of the most expensive buildings on Earth built at a cost of $ 100 Billion.

                 Size: One million (1,000,000) square meters Capacity:

                 🕋Can accommodate two (2) million people
                 🕋Receives twenty (20) million visitors annually
                 🕋Open twenty -four (24) hours.It has never been completely closed in over 1400 years
                 🕋Has 1800 cleanersHas 40 electric sanitary cleaning cars
                 🕋Has 60 electric sanitary machines to clean open courtyards
                 🕋Has 2000 Sanitary barrels spread throughout the premises
                 🕋Floor covered with 40000 carpets (longer than the distance between Jeddah and Makkah (79km))

                 🕋13000 toilets, cleaned four (4) times/6 hours daily
                 🕋25000 water dispensers (one of the largest water dispensing systems in the world)
                 🕋100 random samples of drinking water are inspected daily
                 🕋Excess water from Zamzam Well is stored in storage tanks with a capacity of 1,700,000 (1.7 million), water bottles (capacity 10 liters)
                 🕋HARAMAIN recitation service: broadcast recitation of the Quran; 24/7; recitation using all ten (10) recognized methods of recitation of the Qur'an; more than 500,000 (half a million) episodes in 180 countries have been aired in three (3) years.
                 🕋More than 2,000 safety deposit boxes (to keep personal belongings safe)
                 🕋Hundreds of air conditioning units (for cooling) are scattered inside the Mosque.
                 🕋The floor of the Mosque reflects light and heat thus improving the regulation of heat in the premises.
                 🕋Electronic Tour guide application that can show the location of any part of the Mosque.
                 🕋Detailed and highly efficient audio system:
                 🕋The sound system in the Grand Mosque is one of the largest and most complex sound systems in the world,
                      Audio system error margin: 0%
                      6000 speakers
                      Four (4) different audio systems
                      Fifty (50) sound engineering personnel
                 🕋Copies of the Quran are translated into 65 different languages
                 🕋Translation of each Friday sermon into five (5) different languages

                 🕋Services/facilities for the disabled

                 🕋10,000 regular wheelchairs available for use, free of charge, 400 electronically guided wheelchairs available, Automatic wheelchairs (2 wheels and 3 wheels)

                 🕋RAMADAN special services

                 🕋4 million free meals for breaking fast every day, throughout Ramadan
                 🕋5,000,000 dates (seed discarded) are distributed in the mosque area every day during Ramadan
                 🕋After breaking fast, remove food and equipment to clean the place of Maghrib prayer (Salah) is done in just two (2) minutes only

                  SUBAHANALLAH ...