Sunday 5 December 2021

International Volunteer Day - December 5

 The International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development, more commonly referred to as International Volunteer Day, is an international observance mandated by the UN General Assembly

 it's time to move on.

Friday 3 December 2021

Navy Day

Navy Day in India is celebrated on 4 December every year to recognize the achievements and role of the Indian Navy to the country. 4 December was chosen as on that day in 1971, during Operation Trident, the Indian Navy sank four Pakistani vessels including PNS Khaibar, killing hundreds of Pakistani Navy personnel. On this day, those killed in the Indo-Pakistan War of 1971 are also remembered.

Beating Retreat and Tattoo ceremony on Navy Day 2018

During the days leading up to Navy Day, during Navy Week and the days prior to that, various events take place such as an open sea swimming competition, ships are open for visitors and school children, there is a veteran sailors lunch, performances by the Naval Symphonic Orchestra take place, an Indian Navy Inter School Quiz Competition happens, a Navy Half Marathon as well as an air display for school children and the beating retreat and tattoo ceremonies happen.

Wednesday 1 December 2021

International Day for the Abolition of Slavery - DECEMBER 2

On the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery let’s pledge to prosecute traffickers & protect the victims of human trafficking. It’s easy to think slavery is a thing of the past, but #ModernSlavery still exists. It is a very serious and often hidden crime. It can include slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour, and human trafficking.

As we embark on different paths today, one must never forget to care for others. In celebration of the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, let us reaffirm the innate freedom and dignity of all men, women, and children.

Friday 26 November 2021

Constitution Day

 Let's celebrate India's diversity & inclusion as part of our Indian Constitution. This is a day to express gratitude to the founders of our Constitution and to reiterate our commitment to building the India of their dreams. Constitution is the backbone for any country and we are lucky that ours is a strong one. Wishing a very Happy Indian Constitution The beauty of our constitution is to hold together diversity of Indian society. Lets be grateful to the first document in the history of India that revolted to bring about a society based on Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.

Monday 22 November 2021

Qualities of Effective Leaders


Five Qualities of Effective Leaders 

Successful leaders demonstrate the following five leadership qualities in their personal and professional lives, inspiring others to take action and set a course for future success. Strong leaders also practice key behaviors on a regular basis in order to strengthen the positive impact of these qualities.

1. They are self-aware and prioritize personal development.

Effective leaders focus on developing their emotional intelligence, Goode says. Leaders that work to refine this quality are more adaptive, resilient, and accepting of feedback from others. They are also effective listeners and open to change.

How You Can Improve:

The following behaviors will help you focus on your self-awareness and personal development to develop this important leadership quality.

  • Set goals, prioritize goals, and take responsibility for accomplishing them. Also, take responsibility for falling short of your stated goals or making mistakes along the way.
  • Successful leaders focus on the big picture, avoid distractions, and don’t get bogged down by small, tactical details. Practice these behaviors to promote effective management of your time and attention.
  • Set boundaries between your personal and professional lives. Remember that your organization will follow your lead—if they see you working long into the night, they will assume that they have to do the same.
  • Retain awareness of your strengths, weaknesses, and any potential sources of bias that may impact your thinking and decision-making. Conduct self-assessments and seek feedback from your team, and set improvement goals with measurable targets in areas where you have room to grow.
  • Accept that things can and will go wrong. This anticipation will help you respond in a thoughtful way that does not make a difficult situation even worse.

2. They focus on developing others.

This leadership quality builds on the principles of the situational leadership theory, which suggests that effective leaders adapt to whether an individual or group is ready, willing, and able to take specific action. Delegating, coaching, and mentoring are important tasks for situational leadership, Goode says.

How You Can Improve:

These behaviors will help you demonstrate leadership ability by developing others within an organization.

  • Recruit and develop a team with diverse skills and backgrounds, and give the team members both the tools and the space to build trust among each other.
  • As a coach, show empathy as well as strength. Effective leaders know how to be assertive and kind at the same time.
  • Delegating responsibility can be harder than completing the task yourself, but this allows you to see what a team is capable of doing. Accomplishing difficult tasks helps a team build confidence and continue its path to growth.
  • Make genuine connections with those outside your organization. Actively seek out people who will make your team stronger, even if their expertise doesn’t perfectly match the needs you have at the moment.
  • Make training a priority within your organization—and balance it with a culture that allows team members to thrive. As Richard Branson famously said, “Train people well enough so they can leave, but treat them well enough so they don’t want to.”

3. They encourage strategic thinking, innovation, and action.

“As a leader, you have to look forward. You have to think about where the organization is going,” Goode says.

Leaders must consider internal organizational factors, such as product roadmaps and staffing needs, as well as external factors, including government regulations and technology advancement, when making strategic business decisions.

How You Can Improve:

Emphasizing the following behaviors will help develop leadership qualities related to strategic thinking, innovation, and action.

  • Maintain a flexible mindset and be willing to try new ideas. This is especially true for leaders at startups, where company goals are frequently changing and rigid plans may be hard to follow.
  • Take a genuine interest in your company and the business it operates in. Your team will feed off of your enthusiasm for what you do—or else take the wrong cues from your apathy.
  • Focus on the future, understand that change is occurring all around you, and maintain a positive outlook.
  • Encourage creativity and innovation in your team through exercises such as brainstorming or prototyping. Let business lines explore new ideas based on the output of these exercises.
  • Set a practical vision and suitable targets for your company. Consider SMART goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely.
  • Make informed decisions. Leaders often have to make risky decisions, but you must be able to justify the course of action you are taking. Your team will take notice if you are making reckless decisions—and they will be likely to follow your lead.

4. They are ethical and civic-minded.

Strong leaders consider the ethical consequences of the decisions that they make—for both their customers and their teams.

How You Can Improve:

Taking these behaviors into account will increase your awareness of ethical practice and civic-mindedness, which reflects personal concern for the benefit of your entire organization and the community as a whole.

  • Use your power and authority appropriately. Remember the old saying: Honesty is the best policy. When leaders are honest with employees, they reciprocate this trust, and the entire organization operates with integrity.
  • Be open, transparent, and authentic. Your team should know what it is getting from you no matter the circumstances.
  • Recognize the emotions that your team members are experiencing. Praise those who are succeeding and encourage those who are struggling. Never berate team members, publicly or privately.
  • Take responsibility for your mistakes, and expect that of others on your team. But don’t stop there. Take the next step and make things right, even if it will hurt your organization’s bottom line. In the long run, the benefits of protecting your organization’s integrity and reputation will outweigh any short-term costs you might incur.

5. They practice effective cross-cultural communication.

Respected leaders are able to clearly communicate with individuals, business units, the entire company, and to stakeholders outside the organization. In an increasingly global economy, leaders must also acknowledge and respect different communication traditions, Goode says.

How You Can Improve:

Practicing these behaviors will help leaders increase the effectiveness of their communication.

  • Explain everything from organizational goals to specific tasks and objectives in concise language. If anyone on the team is unaware of your expectations and falls short of meeting them, you are at fault for failing to express those expectations. Communicate these goals and targets frequently so that everyone in the organization knows what you, and they, are working toward.
  • Understand the nuances of communicating over the phone, via email, and on social media. Identify your strengths and weaknesses for each mode of communication and work to improve where necessary.
  • Embrace enthusiasm, confidence, inspiration, and excitement when you communicate. Optimistic leaders show that they believe their organization is working toward a better future, and that they value team members’ contributions to achieve that goal.
  • Adapt your communication style to different cultural traditions when necessary. Some cultures expect explicit, specific messages, while others tend to rely on context between the lines. Some cultures also show emotion more readily than others.
  • Remember that listening is just as critical to communicating as talking. Take the time to hear what others are saying—and make note of what they are not Ask follow-up questions if you don’t understand what they are trying to convey.

Wednesday 6 October 2021

Casagrand Orlena

Casagrand Orlena is a luxury residential apartment project located in Hennur Road Junction, Bangalore, established by Casagrand Builder. The project is spread across 4 acres of land comprising 2 BHK and 3 BHK flats for sale. Casagrand Orlena is North Bangalore's first kid's Themed community with various features for children's entire growth. The luxury project consists of 216 most refined 2 BHK and 3 BHK apartments available for sale. All the premium apartment units are well designed with 100 % Vaastu compliant homes that provide ample light and ventilation with efficient space.

CASAGRAND ORLENAAt Hennur Junction, Bangalorecall 9035498354

Saturday 2 October 2021

Thursday 16 September 2021

10 Daily Habits of the Most Successful Agents

The top 10 daily habits of the most successful agents are surprisingly simple.

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Most of these habits take only 10-15 minutes to complete. And yet, when you practice these 10 daily habits consistently, your real estate business is transformed from mediocre to mind-blowing!

Let’s not waste your valuable time introducing the topic. Let’s just jump right in…

These are the top 10 daily habits of the most successful real estate agents in the business.

1. Wake Up On Time

The first entry on our list of the daily habits of the most successful agents is waking up at a designated time. Because the first step in having a productive day is actually getting your tush out of bed. And I think most of us can agree that’s easier said than done.

Back when I was training for my triathlon, I had to be out of bed by 4:45 to give myself enough time to train before work. I specifically remember brushing my teeth each morning and thinking to myself, ok, the hardest part of my day is done! I hadn’t run, swam, or biked a single mile yet that day, hadn’t completed a single daily task for my master’s studies yet, and hadn’t put in 8 hours at work yet. But I had managed to drag myself out of my cozy bed. So it felt like I had won the day before I’d even started!

Don’t fool yourself into thinking that the snooze button is harmless. Snoozing is a dangerous habit that gives you a slow start to every day and can leave you feeling defeated before the day even begins.

Commit now to your wake-up time. Then follow through.

You can even start with a simple one-week commitment. Pay attention to how much more productive you feel during that week, and you might just find the motivation to continue.

2. Set Yourself Up For Success With a Solid Morning Routine

What do you normally do when you wake up?

Is your morning routine helping you? Or is it hurting you?

I read a book last year that changed my life. I had recently started my own content creation business, and I was feeling both overwhelmed and completely lost. The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod helped me focus my daily efforts on my larger goals. And within a month, I had doubled my income!

And there’s a Miracle Morning just for you: The Miracle Morning for Real Estate Agents will teach you to set yourself up for personal and financial success every single day.

The concept is deceptively simple: If you just spend 10-20 minutes each morning on a few key tasks, you’ll be more productive, more focused, more fulfilled, and generally happier. I’m going to let you in on the task list I follow:
Silence: 5 minutes of prayer, meditation, or other quiet reflection.
Affirmations: 5 minutes reading my personal affirmations aloud.
Scribing: The Miracle Morning recommends writing for a few minutes each morning. I spend this 5-10 minutes filling in my Daily Action Plan.
Visualization: 5 minutes of picturing my day, imagining myself accomplishing my daily goals.
Exercise: Since I generally hit the gym after work now, I just spend 10 minutes stretching each morning.
Reading: The Miracle Morning recommends reading just a few pages of something stimulating each morning. But since I read every evening, I skip this step in the am.

All of this only takes around half an hour. But the impact these simple practices have on my productivity for the rest of the day allows me to accomplish more in 6 hours than I used to accomplish in 8-10.

3. Eat Well

Here’s a pretty standard real estate agent meal plan:

9:00 Breakfast: Coffee.

12:00 Lunch: Too busy, forgot to eat.

3:00 Snack: Something quick and convenient. And probably too sugary or fatty because your body is desperate for calories.

6:00 Binge: After zero nutritional value all day, you end up eating 2,000 calories between dinner and bed. And it’s typically comfort food to sooth your nerves after a busy day, right?

No wonder we sleep poorly and feel physically run-down so often!

Instead of putting business first, savvy agents know that prioritizing their health will naturally boost their business. They’ll show up with more energy and more focus so they can be more productive.

And eating well doesn’t need to be difficult. Here’s a totally simple meal plan you can fit into your schedule:

7:00 Breakfast: A 2-minute egg and veggie scramble. Wrap it in a tortilla if you need to eat on the road. Plus your coffee of course. And grab a piece of fruit for a quick am snack.

10:00 Snack: Enjoy your fruit.

1:00 Lunch: Give yourself time to take a breather and enjoy your lunch. Turkey and swiss on wheat with carrot sticks is my go-to.

4:00 Snack: Protect yourself against the afternoon slump with a handful of almonds. Keep a stash in the car and in your desk drawer.

7:00 Balanced Dinner: Protein, veggies, and a healthy carb. Super versatile and easy. Quick-cooking meats like chicken or sirloin chunks + frozen veggies + 10-minute rice = a complete, healthy meal in about 15 minutes.

The trick to eating well is to plan ahead. Plan out your meals a few days in advance to make sure you have the ingredients you need, and you’ll never have to settle for the drive-thru again!

4. Review the Hot Sheets

You’re only as good as your market knowledge. To be the best agent, you need to be up-to-date with your ever-changing local market. That’s why top producers review the hot sheets every morning.

Here’s what you should be looking for:
Inventory: How many houses are on the market? And how long are they staying on the market?
Hot properties: Are certain price points or home styles moving quickly?
Emerging neighborhoods: Are certain neighborhoods heating up? If you’re a real estate investor, checking hot sheets daily will help you recognize a solid investment. And if you’re not, you still want to recognize these neighborhoods so you can contact your investor clients about some of the gems you find.
Expired listings: You’re going to want to reach out to those homeowners to earn the listing.

Top Producers always have their finger on the pulse of the market. And the most efficient way to do that is to review your hot sheets every morning.

5. Plan Your Lead-Generation Tasks for the Day

How many times have you sat at your desk, knowing that you need to start drumming up some business…but there are so many possible directions you could take that you get overwhelmed and move on to a straight-forward task instead?

Allow yourself 10-15 minutes to map out your lead-generation tasks for the day. Designating time to the planning process will give you a chance to sit with the overwhelm, knowing that you have time to sort through it and decide on your course of action.

Create a few social media posts. In fact, you can create a complete social media content calendar so you’ll always know exactly what to post in the future!

Lead generation is like meal planning. Spending a few minutes planning will dramatically increase the quality of your results.

6. 15 Minutes of Focused Rehearsal

That’s right; top producers rehearse.

When was the last time you rehearsed your objection-handling? Your listing presentation? Your FSBO scripts? How about your expired listing scripts?

The good news is that most of your competitors don’t rehearse. It’s only the top-tier agents who understand the value of practicing these scripts over-and-over until you can rattle them off in your sleep.

Here’s why this is so important: being able to perform these scripts on auto-pilot frees your brain to focus on other things. If you’ve read The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg, you know that most people are trying to process too much information at one time. And that, by building good habits, you can automate your presentations to leave some processing power available for details most people wouldn’t notice.

Here’s an example:

For most agents, the listing presentation is mildly stressful. The agent is somewhat worried about what they will say next, how the seller will respond, and how they will respond to the seller. When you rehearse your listing presentation regularly, you don’t have to worry about any of that. And suddenly, you have the capacity to notice when the seller subtly mentions that the home will be difficult to leave because of the family memories.

Now you know the seller’s true pain point! It isn’t price…it’s leaving behind the family home where they raised their children. And now you can truly help your sellers. You’re not just another agent trying to sell their house. Now you can be the agent who’s helping them transition from family life to condo life. Now you can be the agent who helps them save those memories while moving into their new future. Instead of recommending that the sellers paint the door frame where the kids’ heights were measured over decades, you suggest that the seller remove that door frame and take it with them. They can replace the door frame for just a few dollars. That’s how top producers serve their clients.

So, what do you need to rehearse?

Well, you know what your market looks like today, and you have your lead-gen for the day planned out. So you can tailor your rehearsal scripts to mirror your day. Practice the move relevant scripts before you actually get on the phone and start setting appointments.

If you haven’t built your own scripts yet, check out The Book of Yes by Kevin WardThis book is literally script after script of the most common real estate agent conversations. It’s a must-read for all agents and has been featured on our list of The Top 5  Books for New Agents and our Top 10 Books for Successful Agents.

Pick a script that fits your upcoming conversations, and focus on rehearing that script for 15 solid minutes. For bonus points, record yourself delivering your script on your phone, then watch it back (or listen to it). That will help you identify and correct any flaws in delivery as you go.

7. An Hour of Focused Appointment Setting

To keep your pipeline full, you need to set appointments regularly, right?

Designating one hour per day to focus all your efforts on landing new appointments will work wonders for your business.

Like it or not, classic phone calls (not emails or texts or DMs) are still the best way to set appointments. Here’s what you do:
  1. Stand up and smile. Proper physiology makes a big difference in how you sound on the phone. Standing and smiling will make you instantly more confident and warmer.
  2. Open your CRM.
  3. Call your recent seller leads to land listing appointments.
  4. Contact your recent buyer leads to land buyer consultation appointments.
  5. Call a few people in your sphere of influence “just to check-in”. How are they? Anything new and exciting going on? When they ask what’s new with you, explain how current market conditions are keeping you busy, and ask if they’re looking to take advantage of the current market by buying or selling.
  6. Contact Expired Listings from your hot sheet. Every time you make contact with an owner, add them to your CRM.
  7. Call FSBOs to set an appointment to view the home so you can discuss it with your buyer clients. Once you’re in the door, you can explain the benefits of hiring an agent.

If you commit to spending one hour making phone calls to these key groups every working day, you will have a different business by this time next year!

Now, if you have clients who generally prefer to communicate via text or social media or email, by all means, reach out to them via their preferred method! Just know that those methods are less likely to result in an appointment, or even a reply.

And, by the way, 8:30-10: 30 am is typically the best time in the morning to reach people by phone. So schedule your Power Hour during this window. I know this is Thing #7 on your daily to-do list, but those other tasks can all be completed fairly quickly. This is the first task of the day where you’re really settling in to a longer-duration task.

8. Actually Go On an Appointment

This might sound like an odd item to include on a list of daily habits of the most successful agents. But it’s a fact: successful agents go on appointments every day. Because you generally can’t land business without actually going on an appointment.

If you’re spending one hour every day setting appointments, as we just discussed, you’ll have at least one appointment every afternoon or evening.

Get out there and crush it!

9. Express Gratitude

When you’re always busy and living under the pressure of the commission-only lifestyle, you don’t always remember to take a beat to focus on all the great things in your life!

I love that some Daily Action Plan templates, like the one I use, include a spot specifically for expressing gratitude.

The act of writing down something that you are grateful for every day lifts your spirit and helps build the habit of looking for the positives and taking a moment to appreciate them.

It’s a small thing, but successful agents make it a daily habit.

10. Treat Yo’Self

Another small thing that can make a huge difference in your quality of life? Treating yourself!

Look, most days the tasks themselves are not sufficiently motivating. But what if you plan a small reward at the end of every productive day? Suddenly, life becomes a lot more enjoyable!

And this can be almost anything! A new book, a bubble bath, a glass of champagne, a walk along the water, a manicure, an episode of your favorite guilty-pleasure show, a message, a piece of the really good chocolate…whatever makes you smile!

Imagine how much nicer life will be when you have a little piece of happiness waiting for you at the end of each day!
