Friday 30 April 2021

The ‎Day ‎of ‎Badr ‎17th ‎Ramazan

Dear Brother/Sister.
Do you know what your Prophet ﷺ was doing on the 17th Ramadan

It was on this night (17th Ramadhan) that the Beloved of Allah ﷺ stood in his tent in the area of Badr all night long, weeping profusely and calling upon Allah with extreme humility and humbleness. 

He stood and cried in-front of His Lord asking Him for victory, openings, success, felicity, mercy, blessings and protection for his entire ummah. He lifted his blessed arms high in supplication, tears left his beautiful eyes, and he made du'a after du'a.

What did he ask for? What did he say? 'O Allah, if you destroy this small group of men (313 men) then no one will worship You ever again!' - Look at the powerful nature of that du'a!

Sayyiduna Abu Bakr r.a.  stood and guarded the tent all night long and when he saw the Prophet ﷺ in this state, he embraced him and hugged him and told him that Allah will surely accept his du'as.

That supplication was made 1400 years ago and it is only because of it that we are Muslim today. How much do we owe such a merciful master who stood for us? How much do we call unto Allah? 

Many of us have one million problems - Some of us have marriage problems, family problems, some of us are in debt, we can't find a job and others of us don't have children- the night of Badr teaches us that nothing is impossible. 

Cry in front of your Lord with brokenness, faith, iman and with certitude and Allah will give you solutions, gift you with openings and grant you everything that you need.

Wednesday 21 April 2021

Syed Ahmed Esar no more

Former Indian Forest Service officer and renowned Urdu poet Syed Ahmed Esar passed away on Wednesday in Bengaluru. He was 98.

After retiring from the Indian Forest Service in 1980, Esar dedicated his life to translating the work of canonical Persian poets into Urdu.

His magnum opus: the translation of Rumi's Masnawi – with more than 27,000 verses in that poem is one of the most significant works of Esar.

He is also a recipient of the Hafeez Merathi Award by Idara Adab-e-Islami Karnataka and Goa zone.

Wednesday 14 April 2021

Ramazan1442 H/2021 Bangalore - TIME TABLE

Ramazan1442 H/2021 Bangalore - TIME TABLE

No one notices your tears, no one notices your sadness, no one notices your pain, Nobody will ever understand you like ALLAH does.


Use this Ramadan to gain the habit of praying tahajjud.

Fasting really tests our patience;
to feel the hunger and thirst.
It should also teach
us gratitude and humility.
Take a minute to pray for the
suffering people around the world.

17 ramazan 

Ya Allah, strengthen our relationship
with the Quran this Ramadan.
 Ya Allah, allow us to remove our bad habits
 and form good habits this Ramadan. 
Ya Allah, do not allow us to leave this 
Holy month without becoming better people. Aameen.

Ramazan won't slow down, 
you have to be fast in gaining All the Benefits.
Increase in supplication for yourself, 
your parents, your children, and Muslims, 
for Allah has guaranteed acceptance.

Ramadan is not for lying, backbiting, gossiping, slandering, or spreading rumors. Keep the tongue clean from that which can ruin our fast.

 No matter where you've been and What you've done now it is the best time to seek forgiveness before #Ramadan is out. Allah loves you.



18th april 2021


Friday 9 April 2021

Message for Friday. #Repent

No one, absolutely no one is free from doing wrong. We all do it. And that's why Allah said He loves those who repent. And don't ever think Allah won't forgive you no matter what you have done. He is Most Merciful and He loves to forgive.

Say, Ya Allah protect my heart from being attached to something that will not benefit me in my Akhira. Allahumma Ameen.

it's jum'ah!
Go to Masjid Early
Make A Lot Of Dua'aa
Read Surat Al-Kahf 
Send Lot Of Durood
Upon The prophet ﷺ.